Little Will

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Nico turned around to see who said his name. Since, he didn't see anyone, he went back to organizing his Mythomagic cards on his cabin floor.

"NICO!" It sounded like a whiny kid, which Nico did not bode well with.

Nico turned his head towards his closed cabin door. He got up with a sigh and walked towards the door. When he opened it, he was surprised with a small child that had a shocking resemblance to Will. The same blonde hair, tan skin, blue eyes. Except shorter. This kid was also wearing a camp t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and some flip-flops. Also what Will would wear. He was probably 6 years old, Nico guessed.

Wait. Nico bent down to get on the boy's level. "Um, hey there. Is your name Will?"

"Yep! Will Solace! My mommy says my name is very special and that everyone has a name!" Will said excitedly.

Nico was both enlightened and confused. He knew that this little kid was Will. But how did he become a little kid? Nico had his suspicions that it was probably the Hecate cabin playing truth or dare again. After all, they did turn Nico into a cat one time.

Nico's thoughts were interrupted by Will shouting, "Hey, can I come into your cabin?"

Will didn't wait for Nico's response. He pushed past Nico and ran into the room. Then all of a sudden, Will tripped over the Mythomagic cards on the floor, spreading the cards all over floor.

"No! Will, what did you do? You messed up my cards!" Nico scolded the little child who was now sitting on the floor crying. Nico's yelling just worsened Will's tantrum.

The loud wailing made Nico's head hurt and he started to panic. He wasn't really good with kids but even he knew that yelling at them did not help. He sat down in front of Will and tried to calm him down.

"Shh. Shh. Hey, it's ok. I'm sorry I yelled at you. What about I teach you how to play?" Nico said softly.

Will looked up at Nico with big, puffy eyes. "Really? You think I'll be any good?" he asked quietly.

"Of course! And I bet you'll even beat me at it." Nico offered Will a smile. Will beamed back and shouted, "OK! I wanna play now!"

Nico began to teach Will the basics of Mythomagic but quickly realized that he's now a 6 year old kid who won't understand what he's saying. So Nico opted for letting Will win. Mainly because Nico found Will cute (well, cuter than he already was when he was in teenager form) when he was excited about accomplishing something.

After a while, Will said he was tired and promptly fell asleep with his head on Nico's lap. Nico leaned against his bed frame and smiled at the sight of Will sleeping. It practically melted Nico's heart. "Sleep tight, mi amor." Nico whispered to Will with a content smile on his face.


A/n: sorry for a) a short story and b) not posting as often. I've been really stressed and busy with school and such so I didn't really have time to write. Really, the only thing keeping me going is the fact that season 4 of voltron releases next Friday. (Who else is excited?!)

-Victoria :)

P.S. "mi amor" means "my love"
P.P.S. Yes, Will changes back to his normal self.

Solangelo One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora