Chapter 73

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I woke up to the blinding lights of the hospital.

"Just can't get enough of this place can I?" I huffed.

"Hey Glory, how you doing?" Justin smiled feeling my forehead.

"I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I mumbled swatting his hand away.

"The fight...." he trailed off "oh yeah, forgot about that" I sighed.

"Why were you even fighting?" he raised an eyebrow.

"She was being a cheeky little rat" I shrugged.

"Why what happened?" he breathed out putting his hand on mine.

"She called me a hoe and said you were 'oogling' over her" I told him.

"No reason to fight" he answered.

"I spat on her shoes and she lunged at me" I defended.

"You should've just walked away" his said.

"Naa you could tell she was trying to start a fight" I waved him off.

"Well you still could've-" "ahh Glory how are you doing?" the doctor cu him off.

"Good yeah" I responded rubbing my head.

"Nice to know, the baby's doing good too" he smiled.

"Hold da fuck up! What baby?!" my eyes went wide.

"What? You didn't know? You're a month and two weeks pregnant" the doctor creases his eyebrows.

"How did we not know?" Justin dazed.

"I'm gonna be a dad, I'm gonna have a child, this is new to me not so much to you you've already got a daughter but I'm gonna be a dad. Oh my goodness will I be able to cope with your mood swings? You eating all the time and not to talk of-" "Justin! Calm down just calm down. Breathe" I cut him off as he snapped his head to look at me then slowly started breathing.

"Good. Now do you want to keep the baby?" I asked.

"What? of course! I mean yeah we're young but you have a baby growing inside you, God's gift, he doesn't just give anybody a baby, only the people he knows would take good care of them" Justin smiled.

Well he's clearly calmed down.

"That's good to hear miss. Valenquez and Mr. Bieber, take this to the reception and you're free to leave" the doctor gave me a sighed letter and left the room.

"Well let's go my babies" Justin grinned kissing my stomach.

"C'mon Justin lets go" I sighed getting off the bed.

"Time to break it to the fam" Justin noted.

"Yeah..." I trailed off "and friends" he added.

"Shall we do like a gathering or something?" I queried.

"Yeah we'll just call everyone over" Justin said opening the door for me as we exited the hospital.

"I know you're being a gentleman but I ain't fat yet" I giggled getting in.

"You won't be getting fat, you'll be carrying my unborn child" he corrected pecking me on the lips before we sped off in his fisker.


"Well everyone's here, what's up?" drake spoke up.

Justin gave my hand a tight squeeze before he told everyone.

"We're pregnant. Well Glory's pregnant but it's my baby too you know coz-" "they get it" I stopped him from rambling on.

Everyone's facial expressions changed from shock to excitement but others to disapproval.

"Oh my God girl! Child number two! Imma be here for the birth this time though!!!" Millie squealed.

"You two are still young how did this happen?" Pattie sighed.

"It wasn't planned but it did happen and we're grateful for the gift God has given us" Justin said.

"And you two are sure about this?" Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

"Yup" I smiled "I'm gonna have a niece or nephew" Jazzy grinned.

"Yeah you are" I giggled tickling her sides.

"From now on can you please be careful. I mean I'm not overly thrilled my daughter is pregnant at such a young age. Again. But I'm not exactly gonna tell you to get an abortion" my dad huffed.

"But considering that, we'll support you all the way" my mum intervened.

"I'm gonna have a brother or sister!" Khalaya yelled jumping off birdman's lap.

"You sure are little miss cheek" tyga chuckled.

"Aye boy watch yo' mouth I ain't cheeky" Laya folded her arms as we all laughed.

"Maybe just a bit Laya" Justin laughed pulling her onto his lap and kissing her cheek.

"Am I really cheeky mummy?" she raised an eyebrow.

"You get it off me, we'll be cheeky together" I high-fived her.

"Hear dat? Me and mummy be cheeky together, take that all you ratchet frogs" she flicked everyone off.

"Where does she learn to speak like this?" gudda was cracking up.

"Got no idea" I shrugged smiling at the scene of Justin snuggling up to Khalaya.

"Anyway, since we've received the news, we'll be off" Ryan and that stood up before giving us a hug and leaving the house.

"Yeah, got to get these little ones to bed" Jeremy acknowledged standing up.

"Mummy you know the way I was meant to go and sleepover in Jazzy's ages ago?" Laya started.

"No" I chuckled walking into the kitchen.

"Well I was anyway can I go sleepover tonight?" she gave me the puppy eyes.

"See if you can catch Jeremy and ask" I sighed.

"Yay! Thanks mummy!" she beamed hugging me then running out the door.

"Aye Glory" tyga holla'd coming into the kitchen.

"Ye boii?" I raised both eyebrows.

"Chyna and king are coming into town next week and I was wondering if you could take them shopping?" he suggested.

"Sure" I smiled taking chicken out of the freezer.

"What are you making?" tyga wondered.

"Don't know yet but I feel like chicken" I answered defrosting the chicken.

"How about chicken and bacon bake?" he advised.

"Dope" I smiled getting out the bacon and everything else.

"Mummy Jeremy said I can go!" Khalaya came running back into the kitchen.

"Go ask daddy Bieber to pack your things then" I told her.

"No it's okay, I'll do it" tyga smiled taking Laya's hand

"Thank you!" I called out turning my attention back to the food.

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن