Chapter 52

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"I choose to go to heaven" I decided.

"What? J are you sure? You've just said that you wanted to go home?" Glory had a look of confusion on her face.

"Yeah but now I want to go to heaven" I sighed.

"But what about everyone down there? What about your family, your friends, your beliebers.. Me?" she whispered the last part.

"Come to heaven with me" I suggested "I'm not leaving them" she shook her head looking down.

"Please Justin" she pleaded "okay.. I'll come back down to earth with you" I sighed taking her hand.

"Thank you" she smiled sincerely "we choose to go back down to earth" I smiled and that's the last thing I remember.

Glory's POV

I woke up to the blinding lights of the hospital with a sharp pain in my side "ow" I winced "Glory!!" Lily, Caitlin and my mum screamed crushing me.

"Ow!!" I moaned then they all immediately let go.

"Oh my god hunny you've been in a coma for four days" my mum cried tears of joy "I was scared you wouldn't wake up!" Lily breathed out.

"Hey what about me?" Justin's voice was croaky.

"It's a flipping miracle!" Caitlin squealed going to hug Justin.

I wasn't surprised we had a joint room because I had seen myself lying here when Selena showed us the three places.


"How you feeling?" Justin gave me a weak smile as he turned to look at me from his bed.

"I feel better.. A bit bummed that I can't go to Mississippi though" I pouted "well atleast our parents can't stop us from seeing each other now" he chuckled but then winced after.

"Don't hurt yourself! And won't this just make them more determined for us to stay away?" I wondered.

"They can't argue with injured people and besides we can just tell them that the more they keep us away from each other the more stressed we get which isn't good for our condition" he smirked.

"Clever Bieber" I chuckled "you know I am" he winked.

"Weird Bieber" I stated "I'm not weird.. I'm just unique" he defended "okay boo" I laughed "ow" I held onto my side "be careful!" Justin said.

"I'm fine" I reassured him and just then, Khalaya came running into the room with Faith and Macy...

Just the people I want to see..

"Mummy!" Khalaya beamed jumping on the bed "hi hun, be careful because mummy is injured" I spoke about myself in third person.

"When will you be better?" she asked "soon hopefully" I smiled "when are you coming out of here?" she questioned "in three days" I informed.

"Oh" she pouted "don't be sad love, go say hello to daddy Bieber" I tickled her before she jumped off the bed and over to Justin.

"Hey how you feeling?" Macy smiled sitting on the chair at my side.

"I'm good.. But the weirdest thing ever happened" I dazed.

"What happened?" Faith eagerly asked "I was with Selena and Justin" I told them.

"But how? Selena is-" "not dead" Macy cut Faith off and gave her death glares.

"Oh didn't you guys know? I thought you did since you fought with her Faith then you shot her three times Macy! You're 15 for God's sake! What's wrong with you?!" I hissed.

"Didn't you just like wake up from a coma four hours ago?" Faith asked "yeah why?" I responded.

"Well then how the hell did you know about that?!" Macy exclaimed "Selena told us" Justin came into the conversation.

"Khalaya go watch tv over there hun" he sighed as she ran to the tv "what do you mean 'Selena told us' ?!" Faith threw her hands in the air.

"We mean exactly that. She went to hell and walked into the fire, but when it touched us, it didn't burn.. We were just on fire" I explained.

"Did you see her go to hell?" Macy enquired "yup" he popped the 'p'.

"That's some scary shit" Macy whispered "was there any need to shoot her three times?" I spat.

"I was in the zone.. Sorry" she put her hands up to surrender "not an excuse" I folded my arms.

"Do your parents know about that?" Justin raised an eyebrow "they think I shot her once.. And so does everyone else" she shrugged.

"We're the only ones that really know" Faith sighed.

"Keep it that way" I instructed.


Finally me and Justin were leaving this hell hole!

"There's a massive hole in my coat" I wailed as I went through the clothes I wore when I got stabbed.

"How much did that cost?" Justin asked putting his jacket on.

"Around $580 or something" I stated "oh" was all he said.

I know that's alot for a coat but it's actually not that much..

"Are you two ready to go?" my dad popped his head through the door "yup let's go" Justin took my hand as we carried our bags and left the hospital.






Damn paparazzi..

"Right let's get out of here" my dad sighed as we got in the car.

"Dad?... What did you actually do to Liam?" I queried "killed him" he was so blunt with me.

"So Liam and Selena are dead... But then how come we didn't see Liam up there?" I whispered the last part to Justin and he just shrugged..


As soon as we got to the hotel there were more paps outside, they don't have lives I swear down.


"Come on Laya we're going home" I took her hand as my dad pushed the big cart down the hallway.

"You mean like home home?" she wondered "yes home home" I giggled playfully rolling my eyes at her.

"Picture time!" Justin popped out of nowhere and took a picture of us "hey!" I scolded.

"Looks gorgeous babe" he laughed "delete it" I pouted "nope.. Going on instagram" he grinned "noo!" I wailed.

"Too late" he smirked showing me.

"Aww thank you hun.. But I hate you" I folded my arms and glared at him playfully.

I said thank you because of the caption, he put - my two princesses.

Which I thought was cute so I did the same for him.

"Ayy J" I called "yeah babe?" he turned around and I instantly got him.

"Well that's going on instagram" I laughed "haha very funny" he rolled his eyes playfully "what did you put as the caption?" he wondered peering at my phone.

"My prince" I smiled putting my phone away "aww thank you" he squeezed my cheeks "hey!" I swatted his hands away.

"Love you" he laughed linking our arms "love you too" I smiled resting my head on his shoulder.

Canada here we come..


Was messing with youse weren't I. Not over yet



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