Chapter 20

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Justins POV

"You totally cheated!" I moaned as we walked into the kitchen. I can't believe she actually beat me. I was actually trying aswell.. This is shameful.

"No I didn't, I did warn you to prepare for some ass whooping" she cooed, wrapping her arms around my torso and resting her chin on my chest while looking up at me "yeye whatever" I playfully rolled my eyes and gave her a peck.

"Right onto the pancakes!" she gleamed, it's unreal how much this girl loves pancakes.


We made about ten and Glory ate about six of them. She was like a tomboy but not a tomboy. She was half thug half woman with class.

The perfect combination, well for me anyway.

"So what should we do now?" I asked, dumping everything in the sink "well YOU'RE washing up while I watch tv" she smiled hugging my torso "arr what?!" I groaned wrapping my arms around her own waist "I'm just joking boo, come on lets go" she laughed tugging at my hand.

"What are we doing?" confusion all over my face "what you wanna do" she simply stated and a smirk grew on my face "well... I would like to-" "no" she bluntly responded.

"You didn't know what I was going to sa-" "you were asking for sex weren't you?" she questioned raising an eyebrow "okay you knew what I was going to say" I surrendered, she just laughed and walked off completely forgetting I don't fully know my way around the house.

The things I do for this girl, getting lost in this big ass house, she's probably gonna end up finding me...


We were watching mission impossible two when there was a knock on the door which Glory went to attend to.

She came back with Khalaya who jumped on my lap causing me to laugh "how's my number one girl then?" I cheesed as I tickled her sides "hold up, I thought I was your number one girl" Glory pouted "your both my number one girls" I chuckled and kissed her on the nose.

"Can you be my daddy since my daddy is dead?" Laya asked playing with the chains on my neck... Woah he's dead? I looked over at Glory giving her a confused look. She gave me that "go along with it" kinda look and motioned towards the toddler purched on my lap.

"Well if you want me to, because I lo- really like your mummy and she really likes me too" I beamed.

Well that was close.. "Yayyy! Can I call you daddy then?" she asked "yeah I guess" I shrugged. And she reached up and wrapped her little arms around me neck.

Glorys POV

"Well if you want me to, because I lo- really like your mummy and she really likes me too" Justin beamed... There's that love thing again... I do really like him but not love yet, I have the L, I have the O, I have the V, I just don't have the E...

Justin was busy playing with Khalaya so I went to make us something to eat. "Oh hey mum" I smiled walking into the kitchen, she had beat me to it "hey luvvy, I'm cooking some chicken, grab the chips out the freezer will ya" she asked not taking her eyes off the stove "sure" I answered walking over to the freezer.

I got them out and placed them on the table before getting myself something to drink "so... How are you and Justin?" my mum asked turning around to fully face me "fine, I do really like him, almost love but not there yet.

"It's only been a few weeks... Can you love someone that quick?" I questioned staring up at my mum from my seat.

"Well yeah I guess, don't you believe in love at first sight? That's what your father had for me but it took me a couple of months to fall for him" she giggled the last part, looking as though she was going through the memories.

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