Chapter 29

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It was 7:30 now and we were meant to be there for nine, but knowing me and Justin, we'll probably get there late because we're late for like everything and then together...

We'll probably miss the event.

I went to have a quick shower then changed into my outfit:

I wore a white lace drss that hugged my body and was mid-thigh high, gold six inch platform heels that had a small opening in the front, a black blazer and a gold chunky chain necklace.

I had in loose curls, smoky black eyes, foundation and nude lip gloss.

By the time I was ready it was 9:10.. Shit, where did the time go? "Justin where are you?" I shouted walking into the living room.

"Right here" I heard him chuckle, he was sitting on the couch occupied with his feet.

"Well let's go boo" I said putting my phone in my bra... What? If I took a purse I'd probably end up losing it...

"Hot damn" he mumbled biting down on his lip and making his way over me.

"Control your hormones hun, you might get something tonight though" I winked teasing him.

"I know you're teasing me, but you won't be tonight" he winked back.. He's tryna tease me aswell.

"Yeah yeah lets go, its... 9:20!!! Justin let's go!" I gushed grabbing his arm and fast walking out of the house when he grabbed my ass with his free hand "Justin" I scolded, glaring at him playfully.

"Sorry it was just there" he looked down "let's go" I sighed playfully.

By the time we got there, we were half an hour late.. Oops.

"Why's it so quiet? And its like pitch black" Justin said as we walked into the club and just then, the light came on and everyone shouted 'SURPRISE!!!".

Because Justin was holding my waist, I felt him jump which made me laugh.

"Oh my God! Did you plan this?!!" he asked looking at me, shocked as hell "well not all me, everyone was involved even Laya" I laughed.

"Thank you!" he beamed hugging me "you're welcome hun" I squealed "now let's go party!" I shouted walking over to everyone.

"Hey guys! So sorry we're late, you know how we are!" I said as I walked over to everyone "you're not late at all Glory" Deborah laughed... Da hell?

We're half an hour late.. "we were half an hour late though?" I said confused as hell.

"Well that's what you thought.." Leylah said... Okay I'm really confused now..

"Knowing you and Justin, we knew you'd both turn up like half an hour late " Caitlin explained "so we planned the party for half nine then told you it was at nine" Faith informed.

"That way, we knew you'd turn up by half nine so you'd be on time... Clever we know" Chaz smirked... Oh "shut up Chaz, you told us it would never work" Sarah laughed.

"Well thanks for that bright idea guys" I smiled "well we're off to go meet people, I'm pretty sure I saw Drake back there" Katie squealed and everyone left except Lily.

"Do you reckon one direction are here cuz?" Lily asked "err I dunno" I shrugged (they're here...).

"What do you mean? You invited us.." I heard a British accent speak, I turned around to find all five boys standing there, then looked at Lily who was just staring.

"Hey guys, how you been?" I greeted, hugging all of them "we've been good, how've you been?" Louis spoke for all of them.

"The fuck man! Why didn't you tell me you knew one direction cuz?!" Lily exclaimed "sorry?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Sorry doesn't cut it fam, Harry let's go blud" she gleamed tugging on his arm "right behind you" Harry smirked.. He better not try anything.

"Hey Niall where did you... Go.." she started off but kinda stopped once she saw me...

I'm sure I've seen this girl before... I can't put my finger on it though.. "Glory?" she asked, shocked to see me .....

"Erm.. Yeah?" I asked "don't you remember me? Millie from jui-jitsu but I left when I was 14. We were like best mates" she informed me....

Oh!!! I remember her now..

"Oh my God Millie!! You've changed so much!" I yelled embracing her in a tight hug "you've changed too but not that much" she smiled hugging me back.

"I swore I'd never speak to you again for just leaving me like that!" I laughed looking back at the memory.

"Well you are, and we're staying in touch this time!" she pointed a finger at me jokingly.

"Definitely girl!" I exclaimed "wait so what are you doing here? No offense like.." I wandered "with Niall.." she blushed... "no way! That's so cute! This world is so small.." I laughed.

When I looked around, it was only Niall and Millie with me. Harry had gone off with Lily, I'm pretty sure Louis is with Sian and I have no idea where Zayn and Liam are..

"So you and Bieber eh?" she smirked nudging my sides.

"Yeah" I looked down blushing "and you said me and Niall were cute" she laughed.

"MILLIE!!!" we heard someone scream so we both turned around to find Faith charging at us.

"FAITH!!!" Millie screamed opening her arms out and Faith attacked her with a massive hug "girl how've you been?! Aww I missed you so much!!" Faith gushed out.

"Aww I missed you too and I've been good" Millie beamed "do you mind filling me in here..." I questioned.

"Oh yeah sorry, Glory this is Millie. We've been best friends since we were like two and our mums were like sisters!" Faith explained.

"Oh, I knew who Millie was, I didn't know you two were like best friends though" I wandered "wait how do you know each other" confusion all over Faith's face.

"She went to my jui-jitsu but left when she was 14, we were also best friends" I laughed.

"How weird is this?.." Millie joined in with my laughter "anyway I'm off to see where Justin is..." I told them as I walked off.

I hadn't even taken ten steps when I saw two familiar faces "fuck no!" I screamed attacking them with a massive bear hug.

"Glory!!" Emily screamed "we've been looking for you fam!" Amy laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be here?!" I whined smacking Emily's arm "where's the fun in that blud?" Amy laughed as me and Emily joined in.

"Aww this is the best night ever! I've been rekindled with three of my best friends!" I jumping up and down, clapping my hands together "three?" Emily asked looking confused.

"Oh yeah. My best friend from jui-jitsu, you guys'll love her" I smiled "yeah yeah, safe bruv" Emily safed me then Amy did before walking away.

I couldn't find Justin anywhere so I went to check the toilets but I was met with a disturbing sight in the corridor.

Justin was kissing Selena. And don't give me that "she kissed him" crap because he's clearly kissing back...

The little bastard.

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin