Chapter 36

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"Mum we need to stop Selena, her and Liam are planning to put Glory in hospital" I informed as me, my mum and Macy made our way to the car.

We brought two knowing something like this would happen.

"Selena and Liam are working together?" Macy spoke in disbelief "yeah and we have to warn Glory" I sighed.

"Well let's go" my mum joined in the conversation.

One of the things I liked about my family was that we all trusted each other, if one of us said something then we wouldn't ask questions.

We would just act on it hoping they told the truth.


"Glory!" I called out as I entered the house "in the kitchen" she yelled and I started making my way to the kitchen.

"Selena and Liam are working together, what happened today was all set up and also known as 'phase 1'. For 'phase 2', they're planning to put you in hospital" I just got straight to the point.

"Wait how do you know? That can't be right, Selena helped get Khalaya back... We can trust her" Justin argued...

That boy clearly isn't ready to be part of our family "no Justin, he's telling the truth... That bitch" Glory hissed through gritted teeth.

"How can you just believe him? You have no proof, no evidence, no nothing. He could be making it up for all you know" he defended.

"Jay's my brother, our family never lies. Plus what was she doing on the beach? Was it a coincidence? Nope and the way she popped up at the right time, then when she got caught by Liam and I went back to help her but she told me to just go" Glory was piecing it all together.

"Exactly" I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

Just then the doorbell rang and we all just looked at each other.

"Oh no don't worry, I'll get it" I sarcastically remarked walking to the door but before I reached it, I got a call from Macy...

She's just upstairs..

Me: yeah?

M: it's Selena, what do we do?

Me: did you look out the window?

M: yup

Me: okay leave this to me

M: do your thing

Me: come down, I'll need your help

M: be down in a sec now hang up

Me: hanging up

And just as I hung up, Macy came jogging down the stairs.

"Glory, Justin, stay in the kitchen till we say come out" I instructed, removing my shirt so that I was now shirtless.

"Okay" Glory shrugged "why?" Justin questioned.

"Just do it" I sighed shutting the door, just then the bell rang again "coming" I yelled.

I sprinted upstairs, changed into sweats then sprinted down, ruffling my hair so it was messy and opening the door once I got down.

"What?" I grumbled "oh erm sorry to disturb you but I wanted to check in on Glory, you know.. After what happened down at the beach" she acted all innocent.

"She's not here, seriously you interrupted me for that, you could have called her" I moaned.

"Jay babe, who's at the door?" Macy popped her head out of the livingroom, but just her head so it looked like she wasn't wearing anything...

Good job Macy.

"Just a friend of my sisters babe, she's leaving now" I smirked "well hurry up so we can finish what we started" she said in a sexy tone of voice.

"Erm... I'll leave you to it, tell Glory I dropped by" she awkwardly looked down with disgust on her face as she tried to be polite.

"Bye" I fake smiled then shut the door.

"Good work sis" I high fived her as she stepped fully into the hallway "you too bro" she stuck her tongue out.

"Now go put a shirt back on" she rolled her eyes playfully "naa I'm cool" I shrugged.

"You guys can come out now" I said opening the door "since when did you have a girlfriend Jay?" Glory smirked sitting on the couch.

"I don't... That was Macy" I shrugged once more "getting rid of the person at the door?" she wondered.

"Yep, Selena to be exact" I rested my elbows on my knees and laced my fingers together.

"Where you guys pretending to have sex?" Justin scrunched his face up "yup.. Got a problem?" I scolded.

"Shut up Jay, it's not that normal to be at your girlfriend's house then get told to stay in the kitchen only to find out her brother and sister were pretending to have sex just to get rid of someone who was at the door" Glory didn't even bother breathing.

"Exactly" Justin agreed "even though I have no idea of what you just said" he laughed.

"Well I'm off to call a lady friend, don't disturb" I wiggled my eyebrows "you're such a manslag" Glory rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm not a manslag, infact I'm the only child mum and dad got right" I snickered.

"If they got you so right then why did they keep trying" Glory smirked, motioning between her and Macy.

"Come here you" I said before charging towards Glory and getting her in a headlock.

"Aaah! Justin get him off me!" she wailed "Justin's too busy laughing" Macy snickered.

"Oh well thanks Justin" Glory sarcastically remarked.

I was having a fab time messing up Glory's hair until she grabbed my legs causing me to fall.

She got on top of me and pretended to do smackdown on me.

"Glory get your fat ass off me!" I moaned.

"You can't talk boy, yo ass flat" she laughed ruffling my hair "not true.. Girls love my ass" I defended "okay.." she clearly didn't believe me...

But I'll prove it to her..

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