Chapter 58

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"Oh my God it's freezing!" I moaned.

"Well look at what you're wearing" Leylah laughed.

"It's not funny, just because you have a long-sleeved shirt on" I pouted.

"Because I'm sensible" she smiled.

"Like totes whatever" I joked.

"Starbucks!" she gleamed pointing to the cafe across the road.

"Anyone got any money?" Chaz asked.

"I think I do" Justin checked his pockets.

"Same" I rummaged through my purse.

"Well then let's go" Leylah started pulling us.

"You're just as bad as Sian" Justin chuckled.

"Yeah yeah whatever" she dramatically rolled her eyes.


"Ayy guys, I've gotta head home now, see you later yeah" I sighed heading to the door.

"I'm coming with you" Justin smiled catching up to me.

"Okay" I entwined our hands and started making my way home.


"Mummy!! Where have you been?!" Khalaya ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"I just went out for a little bit, how've you been hun?" I smiled picking her up.

"I've been good.. Better now that you're home" she grinned.

"Aww thanks babe" I giggled.

"Mimi and Coco missed you too" her tongue went to the side of her mouth like she was trying to concentrate.

"Aww where are they?" I asked and just as I did, the two huskys came running into the room.


"Justin have you seen my shoe?" I asked, hanging off the side of my bed to check underneath.

"No but I'm liking the view" I just knew he was smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, I'm looking for my shoe" I told him.

"How did you know I was smirking, you can't see me" he dazed.

"I have eyes at the back of my head" I laughed.

"Haha very funny" I just knew he rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me boii and help me look for my shoe" I started kicking my legs in the air.

"Oh my God do you seriously have eyes at the back of your head?" he questioned.

",Yup" I smirked "okay" I knew he didn't believe me...

Because it wasn't true lol.


"Something smells nice, what is it?" Justin wondered as we made our way to the dining room.

"Pounded yam!" I grinned as I opened the door to the dining room.

"Pounded what?" Justin scrunched his face up.

"Pounded yam, it's an African dish" I smiled sitting down at the table.

"Is it spicy?" he had a look of worry on his face.

"Nope" I popped the 'p' as I helped myself.

"Oh hey Pattie.. And Faith and Deborah and Sarah?" I greeted as they came and sat at the table.

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now