Chapter 41

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"Glory... Glory wake up" I heard someone say while shaking me.

"What?" I groaned, swatting the person away.

"It's 3:25am, your flight is at 5 and you have to go pick up Khalaya!" they exclaimed and I immediately shot up.

"Crap crap crap crap crap" I shouted running to the bathroom.

I have less than an hour to get ready and I can't remember the last time that went well.


After coming out of the shower it was already 3:45 so I just threw on a massive sweater, a plain black beanie, plain black leggings and white Nike free runs.

"Glory hurry up, you've got 1 hour 10 minutes to get to the airport.. That's including your time to get Laya and we both know that's gonna be a bit of a struggle since it's so early" Justin informed walking into my room.

"Yeah I'm coming. Help me with those suitcases" I sighed tugging on two.

"How many suitcases do you need? You know you're going for a month not a year" he chuckled taking the suitcases downstairs.

"I'm a girl with many things what can I say?" I laughed walking backwards as I started pulling the other suitcases down the stairs..

I swear I thought they were gonna do a 360 and whack me in the face the way they were tumbling down the stairs.

"I'm driving aren't I?" Justin questioned as we put all the things in the car.

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p' and jogging back into the livingroom.

"Bye peoples!" I shouted before jogging back to the car.


"Morning Glory I've been trying to get Khalaya up since quarter past 3 and now it's quarter to four" Robyn sighed as she stood aside so me and Justin could come in.

"I'll drag her out of the bed if I have to" I joked running up the stairs.

We're tight on time right now, Laya needs to wake up or I'm carrying her.

"Khalaya.. Khalaya hunny wake up" I spoke gently, shaking her lightly.

"Go away mummy I'm tired" she whispered turning away from me.

"Khalaya wake up right now... Or we're not going to McDonald's" I spoke sternly this time.

"But mummy you said we could" she wailed sitting up.

"Well get up then and go to the bathroom" I folded my arms.

"Okay" she sighed slowly walking to the bathroom.

"Aww don't be sad Laya, we're going to Miami" I beamed trying to cheer her up.

"Oh yeah!" she gleamed now running into the bathroom.


Once we were done in the bathroom, I dressed Khalaya simple like me, big sweater, a plain black beanie, plain black leggings and grey Nike free runs.

"Right come on let's go it's 4:45 .. 4:45?!!! Oh my God we gotta hurry up!" I almost yelled as I grabbed Khalaya's suitcases and ran to the stairs.

"Mummy can we still go to McDonald's?" Khalaya wondered as she followed me down the stairs.

"Sorry prin there's no time" I gushed out as I put the things in the car "but you said" she moaned.

"Okay you can have McDonald's when we get to Miami" I stopped for a minute to kneel down to Khalaya's height.

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