Chapter 33

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"Come on Laya, we're going to the track" I sighed getting out her Nike workout kit that was exactly like mine, she had spikes aswell.

"Why are we going to the track mummy?" she puzzled getting up from her mini desk.

"We haven't been in ages have we?" I smiled packing everything in her duffel bag.

I lied, I'd been to the track everyday this week..

I go there when I need time alone as you know. I spent at least three hours a day running this past week.

"Well let's go mummy!" Khalaya squealed, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of her room but I made sure I had our bags before going anywhere.

"Glory! Glory where are you going?!" Justin called out as we passed the living room.

I just quickened my pace and held onto Laya's hand tight but not too tight so it doesn't hurt her.

"Mummy can daddy Bieber come?" Khalaya pleaded.

"Nope" I said strapping her in "but look, he's coming anyway" Laya pointed behind and.

I instantly shot around to find Justin coming out.

I quickly got in, locked the door and zoomed out onto the street...

I'm not gonna talk to him if he's gonna be an asshole...


"Mummy can I play in the sandpit again?" Laya gave me the puppy eyes.

"Hhmm... Give me a lap, do three 100m and one 200m, one last lap then you can play in the sand" I offered "yeah!!" she screamed..

Don't worry, I'm not overworking my child, she's just really healthy and fit plus I don't expect her to keep up my pace.

She can go as fast or as slow as she wants but she chooses to go fast..

That's my girl.


"Well done hun! Come on, over to long jump" I reached my hand out for her to take "you mean the sandpit?" she wondered.

"Yes, the sandpit" I playfully rolled my eyes.

Khalaya thought running then jumping into the 'sandpit' was just playing but she didn't know she was actually doing long jump and she's really good for her age...

"Well done Khalaya! You got 2.54m that's amazing!" I praised her.

"Well I try.. No wait.. I'm a natural" she said flicking her puffy hair.

"Like mother like daughter" I heard Justin say. I whipped my head around to find him sitting by our bags.

"What do you mean?" I asked with attitude, folding my arms.

"Well when we first met and I told you that you were fast and that's exactly what you did" he motioned towards Khalaya with his head.

"I'm gonna go do a few 100s and 200s, watch Khalaya, don't let her out of your sight and measure her each time she jumps"

I strutted over to the track but Justin grabbed my arm as I passed him "I'm sorry" he sighed.

"Okay" I yanked my arm out of his grasp "I can never tell when you've forgiven and when you haven't" he huffed.

"Maybe I have... Maybe I haven't" I spat and continued to walk to the track.

I heard him sigh and I smirked to myself in satisfaction.

We broke up for a week only just got back together today and he's already causing trouble...

Not good.


I had been running for about 15 minutes when Justin walked over.

"Laya wants to go home" he dryly spoke, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"I'm coming, it'll take me less than a minute to do this 200m and one more 100m" I shooed him.

"Cocky much?" he scoffed "look who's talking..." I folded my arms and glared at him.

"Now get off the track" I demanded, walking over to the starting line "I'm going to get Khalaya" he rolled his eyes.

I was just about to run my last 100 when Justin came running out of the clubhouse.

"I can't find Khalaya anywhere! She's gone and someone left this note!" Justin gushed out....

Did he just say my daughter is missing... Oh fuck no!

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYNA SAY JUSTIN?! I TOLD YOU TO WATCH HER! I TOLD YOU TO STAY WITH HER AND NOW YOU CAN'T FIND HER?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as he flinched from my sudden outburst..

What? The bastard has gone and lost my daughter!

"Give me the damn note!" I snarled, snatching the note out of his hands.

Over dramatic? I don't care.

"fuck no." I whispered as I read the note "what?" Justin asked getting in my face "Liam's got her" my voice came out hoarse.

"Are you sure?" worry evident in his voice "yes look, it says-

Don't worry mummy, daddy took me,

We're having lots of fun by the SEA,

With crabs and starfish on the SEA SHORE,

I've only ever been here twice before,

We've been fishing with worms for bait,

How many fish did we catch? Oh that's right EIGHT,

I had a chocolate chip ice cream and this time I finished the cone,

But when daddy went to get them I sat there all ALONE,

I'm not sure if this is goodbye but I don't want it to be,

Help mummy I'm drowning come and save ME.

Then on the back it wrote 'time is ticking'

"THE FUCK?! Liam is sick in the head! It's a fucking riddle!" I fumed.

"What are we gonna do?" Justin put his head in his hands.

"There were words written in capital... Lets rule the others out" I thought...

Sea... Sea shore... Eight... Alone... Me...

Sea... Sea shore... Eight... Alone... Me...

Sea... Sea shore... Eight... Alone... Me...

"That's it!!!" I screamed "what?!" Justin screamed also

"See me at the sea shore, alone at 8" I pieced together.

"He wants me to meet him by the sea shore alone at eight! I screamed "but which beach?" I questioned, there were about 4 beaches..

"Which one have you only taken Laya to twice?" Justin asked "erm... Malbaya beach! We've been to the other ones millions of times!" I exclaimed.

"Well that's where he will be!" he yelled "there's no way in hell I'm going alone though" I argued.

"No I think you should, don't provoke him any further" Justin sighed

"Nope... I've got a plan"

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now