Chapter 10

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Justins POV

All I could think about was how I wanted to rip that bastards head off and I'm sure Glory was thinking the same.

"How did your sister know the right boy?" I asked breaking the silence "well apparently she was watching us all night and was just waiting for him to do something stupid" Glory replied so casually, I guess she's used to it now.

"Is that why you moved here?" I questioned "yeah actually, when people ask what brought us here, we just say our dad was transferred... Which he kinda was. Did you know the bastard is in jail.. His name's Luke.. Or Liam.. Or L something.." she replied staring unto space.

All I managed to say was a simple "oh". She just giggled at my response and started playing with my hands... As cheesy as it sounds.. It felt right, it felt like our hands were made for each others. Forgive my cheesiness, it'll never happen again.

Glory was molding my fingers into all types of things, at one point, she made a gun and pretended to shoot me so I pretended to be shot, which made her laugh.

We sat there, each of us caught up in our own thoughts, Glorys heads on my shoulder while she was playing with my hands, we looked like a proper couple.. And I liked it.

Then I thought of something, the reason she left the cafeteria in the first place.. "look Glory, about those girls before.. It didn't mean anything and I was looking for attention and they we-" "stop Justin it's fine.. You're just rambling on plus its not like I'm your girlfriend is it?" she joked trying to lighten the mood.

But that's just it, I do want her to be my girlfriend, I do want her to get jealous when I flirt with other girls because it would show how much she cares.. Not that I'd flirt with any other girl if I was with Glory.

We just sat there thinking until the bell went and we decided to go to Glorys locker, which was like five away from mine. As we neared it, Leylah saw us first and smirked "library eh Glory? Library indeed nigga" she joked... Why did she call her a nigga and why wasn't she offended??Leylah was even mixed-race herself..

Glory laughed at her comment and made up a quick lie "I DID go to the library and Justin happened to be there okay bitch?" she was now getting books out of her locker.. What's with all the name calling? "What's with all the name calling?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Oh that's just us.. Well them, they just call each other names but they don't mean it" Caitlin explained "I do" Sian scoffed "well you're nice aren't you?(!)" Kate sarcastically said "I'm nicer than you hunny" Sian replied "let's go bitch, I'll take you on right now" Kate answered getting all up in her face.

I was expecting all the girls to try break it up but instead they all pulled out there phones to record it... Seriously? Where are Ryan and Chaz??

Just when you thought one was about to throw a punch somewhere, they all burst out laughing. I seriously don't understand these girls, they're too much for me to handle..

I just stood there literally studying them, wondering how they came across each other..

Finally after they had died down abit, Faith spoke up "well were gonna actually go to the library now since we have a free period and we'll leave you two lovebirds alone" she winked, I went a light pink I could feel it.

"Shut up, aren't you meant to be going to the library?" Glory hissed coldly, it was more of a statement than a question.

She just laughed while walking away with the other girls "you two are soooo obvious!!" she called out and now it was Glorys turn to go pink..


Haven't proof read this!.. Or any other chapter and I can't be arsed so don't expect it! Vote and comment.


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