Chapter 60

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"Morning babe" I heard Caitlin say as I opened my eyes..

Wait Caitlin?!

"I should have known you had something to do with this" I sighed.

"To do with what? I have no idea what you're talking about" she acted innocent.

Bitch" I muttered trying to move my arms but I was tied to a chair.

"You're not going anywhere" she hissed then slapped me.

I had to clench my jaw to restrain myself from doing or saying anything.

"Now you see Justin... You have a choice of saving your mom, Glory or... Yourself" she smirked.

"What do you mean? What's gonna happen?" I queried "in an hour this warehouse is gonna blow up and EVERYONE you care about is inside" she informed circling me "even-"

"Even Ryan Chaz Faith Leylah.... Even the loved up couple soon to get married" she slyly remarked.

"That's some messed up shit" I chuckled bitterly "well let's see if you'll be laughing when you die in... 54 minutes" Joey walked into the room.

"You can both fucking do one" I growled then I felt a sharp sting in my jaw, he punched me.

This faggot punched me.

"No don't Joey, put it away" Caitlin knocked the knife out of Joey's hand as he clenched his jaw just like me then walked out of the room.

"Time's ticking Justin... And so is your time on earth" Caitlin smiled then shut the door.

There's no fricking way I'm dying today and there's no fucking way the people I care about are dying today plus these little mongs have left a knife in the same room as me-

"Oh I almost forgot!" Joey barged back in staring at the floor.. Shit.

"When you go to hell, tell Selena I said hi" he smirked then left the room.

I never knew someone could be so heartless.

I shuffled my chair to where the knife was then proceeded in getting the knife.

Trying all different types of positions I was limited to do, I finally succeeded as I flicked it up with my feet to my hands but cut myself.

"Fudgecakes" I whispered as the blood started dripping all over my hands making them slippery and difficult to hold the knife.

Finally gripping the knife properly, I started sawing away at the cloth until it released my bloody hands.

As soon as I was completely free, I made my way towards the door James Bond style..

They might be out there.

As I stepped into the hallway, I heard muffled talking like it was really faint, I could hardly hear it so I went the opposite way.

Thinking about it now, Caitlin and Joey are making it too easy so there has to be some kind of twist.

They probably wanted me to follow the voices so I didn't but I recorded my footsteps on my blackberry then threw it down that hallway so they thought I was coming..

Smart I know.

I started checking in all the rooms until I saw Leylah and Christian in one, they looked like they'd been tortured!

I burst the door open and cut the ropes off theirs hands and legs "no time to explain, let's go" I gushed out.

"Are we going to find the others?" Christian asked "yeah" I answered looking in other rooms..

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now