Chapter 18

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"What?! How can you be sure?! When was this issued?!" Macy clenched her jaw and balled her hands into fists.

I couldn't breathe I couldn't think, my voice was lost. The walls were closing in on me and I couldn't take it.

I needed air I needed space I needed to be alone.

I got up and ran out of the house, tears flowing down my face. I just ran and ran and ran until I found myself in a nearby park, sitting on the bench next to me I just tried to figure everything out.

"Hey babe miss me?" I heard an familiar voice say and when I turned around it was Liam the prick from school.

"Ugh go away Liam I don't need your shit right now" I spat shooeing him away "you still don't get it do you?" he chuckled. I looked at him, lost in confusion and he took a step forward "how is our little Laya? How old is she now? 4 I think.. Wow she must look lile her daddy" he cocked his head to the right while pointing to himself and smirking.

Then realisation hit me. It hit me hard.

It's Liam.

He was standing in front of me. He was in the same country as me. He was in same city as me. He was in the same school as me. He was in the same park as me...

I stood up backing away but he yanked my arm and shoved me down to the bench "where do you think you're going?" he smirked hovering over me. Think Glory think, I do every type of martial arts there is.... Think!!

I kicked his balls which made him double over in pain, taking advantage of this, I kneed him twice in the head, punched him 4 times in the stomach, ragged him up by the hair and high kicked him.

I walked over to his limp body and hovered my foot over his balls "I'm going home dickhead" I spat with venom dripping from each word before I slammed my foot down on his little Liam so hard, he screamed in pain, well I don't think he'll be making anymore children. I spat on his face in disgust and ran home just to be safe.

On the sprint back, I kept looking behind me to see if he was following me when my legs were swept off the floor "Glory don't you dare do that EVER again!" Justin cried hugging me tight and attacking my face with kisses "Justin I saw him" I croaked out, looking down at the floor once he let go of me.

"You what?!!" he fumed "I went to the park to gather my thoughts and he was there... He tried to rape me again" I whispered the last part. I looked over at Justin and he was beyond pissed, his knuckles turning white from how much pressure he was putting on them, his jaw clenched.

"I'm gonna beat his ass" he growled trying to walk past me, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back "been there, done that" I said trying to lighten the mood. His expression went from pissed to surprised "you? You beat his ass?" he asked not believing me.

"What? You don't think girls can whoop some ass?" I challenged raising an eyebrow "well no it's not that, it's just that I didnt know-" "that I could fight?" I asked again challenging him "well... No" he answered truthfully.

"Well I can, it kinda runs in the family" I shrugged "oh" was all he was able to say before offering his hand for me to take "come on, I'm not leaving you tonight" he said sternly. I just nodded and took his hand.

"Glory are you okay?" Caitlin asked coming down the stairs with Ryan and Sarah "he's back" was all I was able to say. They came and sat down on the couch looking confused. I had noticed that all our shopping and Laya was gone, I'm guessing Macy must have taken them and Laya.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, if I'm gonna tell them then I'm gonna tell all of them "well.. Faith, Chaz, Kate and Deborah are up in your room" Ryan started off.

"And Katie, Leylah and Sian are in Jays room with his mates probably stoned right now.." Sarah finished "my daughter is in the fricking house now, you'd think they'd stop!" I fumed standing up and making my way to Jays room.

"What?" Jay asked opening his door after I had banged on it a couple times "you can stop smoking that shit now my daughter is in the house and give me my friends back please" I fake smiled folding my arms "keel your pants on gloglo, come join the party" he said trying to hug me but I stopped him.

"Jay I love you n all but it's half nine, it's a school night, I don't smoke, my daughters in the other room and you stink, now it's time for your friends to go and get them out or I will" I threatened raising an eyebrow "err you can, I can't be arsed" Jay shrugged, moving so I could step in.

"Right out, all of you" I demanded, collecting all the beer bottles and stuff while pushing them out at the same time "who's room is this again? Yours or Jays?" one of them asked but I just ignored him and kept pushing them out.

"Bye guys have a safe night" I fake smiled, waving to them. Once they were gone, I turned to Sian, Katie and Leylah knowing they definitely smoked that shit "you stupid people" I muttered shaking my head at them.

"What? You went out with your Laya and Justin, Faith and Sarah were with their fellas while the others were raving to your Rihanna... Cant we have a little fun too?" Sian defended.

"Well actually, Ryan and Chaz were playing cod was what I was told while all the girls were raving and even if you didn't want to do that, you could have done something else that didn't harm your body! Your parents are going to think I'm a bad influence and stop letting you come to mine if they hear about this!" I scolded, knowing I was fully right.

"Yeye we're sorry and shit, now I'm gonna head home" Katie rolled her eyes while walking out of the room... Well then.

"Yeah, we'll head off too see you in school tomorrow" Leylah said walking out aswell, then I remembered why I came to get them.. "no wait before you leave there's something I need to tell you!" I yelled after them, grabbing Sians arm and chasing after them before they reached the door.

"What is it?" Katie asked shutting the door "not here, in the living room" I indicated with my head for them to enter the living room.

Once everyone was seated, all eyes were on me and Justin squeezed my hand "Liams back.. As in Liam Wandsworth.. As in the one that raped me.. And he's in our school" all through I was saying that, I kept my eyes shut and tried to hold back the tears.

"Fuck no" "you're joking right?" "how did this happen?" "this shit can't be serious" I heard them say. "I'm not going into school tomorrow.. Or the rest of this week and next week, I'm going New York on Wednesday anyway and I'm taking Khalaya with me" I said sternly.

"And me" Justin cheesed, sliding his hand around my waist "since when was this decided? You've got school" I replied.

"Yeah well I'm coming with you, these can just give us the schoolwork. I wanna be with you babe, I'm going to Atlanta for a month in a month and less than two weeks" he pouted, aww I couldn't resist him "okay fine" I sighed kissing him.

"Well we'll all be off" I heard Deborah say "yeye bye" Justin responded shooeing them away as he tried to deepen the kiss, but I pulled away "hey!" he moaned giving me the puppy eyes which I just laughed at.

"Wait until they're gone" I replied biting down on my lip and winking "hell yeah" he muttered under his breath and all I could see in his eyes were passion, lust and love.... Wait what? Love?..

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu