Chapter 57

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"Oh my God Glory! Guess what?!" Sian screamed down my ear, she was hella drunk.

"What?" I questioned "Louis is here!" she gleamed.

"Oh really? That's nice" I wasn't really bothered.

"Well go and find him then" I pushed her towards the door of the livingroom.

(a/n it's a house party)

"Okay don't wait up for me!" she slurred as she went through the maze of people.


I had just downed my sixth bottle of Malibu and damn I was so drunk I didn't know where or who I was.

I started dancing on random people until I was pulled aside.

"Glory have you seen Sian?" some guy asked "who?" I questioned.

"Sian! Have you seen Sian?" he said in a duh tone.

"Is that a movie?" I started laughing "are you high?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Not yet" I smirked.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go look for her" he sighed walking away.

"So it's a 'her'.." I whispered to myself.

"Ayy Glory, Justin's looking for you" another guy came up to me...

How much have I drank??

"Justin who?" I queried.

"Justin.. Your Justin.. Justin Bieber" he used the same duh tone as the other guy but the difference was that the other guy had an English accent.

"Justin Bieber? The Justin Bieber? Where he at?" I grinned.

"How high are you?" he chuckled "n

"No you've got it wrong, it's "hi, how are you" I smiled following him.

"Glory... You're gone" he chuckled again.

"No I'm not, I'm right here" I dazed.

"Glory I've been looking for you?" I was caught off guard when someone pulled my waist closer to them.

"And I've been looking for my pot" I tried getting out of his grip.

"Why in such a rush?" he whispered kissing my neck.

"Justin" I breathed out, I instantly knew it was him when he kissed my neck..

But how?

"Let's take this upstairs babe" he smirked against my neck.

"No I want my weed first" I demanded, ignoring the fact that he called me babe.

"Then can we go upstairs?" he gave me the puppy eyes.

"Yup" I popped the 'p', I'd just agreed to go upstairs with a randomer..

What if I have a boyfriend?


"Damn this stuff is good" 'Leylah' threw her head back in satisfaction.

About five of us were in the back garden getting high.

"I know" 'Sian' agreed blowing out some smoke.

"Getting high under the night's sky" I laughed throwing my head back aswell.

"Getting high under the night's sky with four girls including one guy" 'Katie' did a little dance.

"Let's make a song!" Justin screamed.

"Oh my God yes!" I squealed as I was coming to the end of my blunt.

And that's the last thing I remember.


I was awoken when I felt someone stirring next to me which immediately made me shoot up.

Oh thank God it was Justin.

I haven't got the slightest clue about what happened last night but it stinks of alcohol and weed....

And this isn't my room.. Or Justin's..

"Justin wake up" I shook him until he fully opened his eyes.

"What?" he groaned turning the other way.

"Justin where are we? And why does my head hurt like hell? I can't remember a thing!" I had questions that needed to be answered.

"We're not in the middle way again are we?" Justin shot his head up but then quickly lay back down when his head started hurting.

"I don't recognize this room..." he had a look of confusion on his face.

"Neither do I, c'mon let's get out of here" I began pulling him off the bed when I realized something.

"Clothes. Where are my clothes?" I muttered looking around the room.

"Found them" Justin smirked.

"Throw them here" I sighed as he threw all my clothes.

"Shoes Justin" I put my hand out as I was fully clothed now.

"You don't seriously want me to throw these do you?" he chuckled holding up my heels.

"Oh hell no I'm not wearing them, my feet kill" I whined.

"Could you get heels any taller?" Justin exclaimed "yup" I giggled "I don't understand.

"You girls at all" he started shaking his head.

"Yeah yeah, get dressed then let's bail" I sighed checking the hallway.

"Wear them, I'll hold these" Justin gave me his Nike blazers as he held my heels.

"Thank you" I smiled slipping them on.

"You've got no shoes now" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"I've got socks on, better than you going bare footed" he took my hand.

"Love you" I cheesed.

"Love you too" he kissed my temple as we tried to sneak out of the house.

"Finally!" we heard Chaz's voice come from the livingroom.

"Oh hi?" I questioned "it's about time you two woke up!" Leylah sighed.

"Why didn't you just wake us up?" Justin wondered.

"Well I was... But then I realized something" she whispered the last part.

"What- oh" I went a light pink once I realized what she meant.

"Sorry" I laughed slightly.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Chaz raised an eyebrow.

"Nope" I popped the 'p' "why, do you?" I queried.

"Yeah, for the first time I didn't get that drunk" he shrugged.

"But you and Justin... Well" he chuckled.

"What did we do?" Justin sighed.

"Well after you finished all the alcohol in the house and demolished all the pot, about five of you ran into the house singing some song about weed, you both started dancing on the table, Glory you started freestyling- rapping, you smashed the vases in the dining room, you graffitied on the wall 'Justin and Glory were here'. You then did a grinding session at the top of the stairs then took it to the bedroom" Chaz didn't breathe.

"Oh my God I cant believe you smashed the vases" Justin chuckled.

"Well actually Glory only smashed one, you smashed three" Chaz informed.

"Oh" Justin went silent.

"Let's get out of here" Leylah started walking towards the door.

"Where are the cars?" Justin furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Well the others were gone when we were waking you two up so they've probably took the cars" Leylah answered.

"Then I guess we're walking" Justin pulled me out of the house as his socky feet hit the ground with his hand still entwined with mine.

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