Chapter 3

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Saturday evening and I had spent most of the day shopping with our laya and Robyn, it was unbelievable the amount of things we had bought and the amount of money we spent but it was worth it. I was now back on the bus with Khalaya watching spongebob as it was nearing the time that Robyn had to go onstage. "well that was fun gals!!" she said gleaming as she joined us on the sofa.

Justins POV

Well it was Saturday and I won't be going anywhere for the next two months so yeah... I really liked Glory and I know I just met her but there was something about her that just reeled me in.. I don't know. I wanted to get to know her properly, spend more time with her and not just because she was cheerleader captain or really beautiful or the populist girl in the school or because she's rich or because she was cousins with Rihanna.. No. But because of her personality

Im not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed when she told me she had a kid but it was just because of the fact that she could still be with the father. When she informed me about Khalaya, her facial expression told me that she was expecting me to be put off but I wasn't! I'm not that type of guy am I?!.... Naaa Im a gentleman!:)

I mean don't get me wrong, damn shes as fine as hell but its not always about looks right? I had a new goal/mission. I was gonna be best friends with Glory AND Khalaya.

Glorys POV

Well I was back from the mini tour break Khalaya and I went on which meant school... Ugh. But atleast today was the day I'd be meeting up with Justin after school and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. Knowing I had to get up, I groaned while rolling off the bed, landing on the floor... Ow. Ten minutes had passed when I finally got up off the floor, fully aware that I had to also get Khalaya up and ready as well as myself and neither of us are morning people.

Feeling too lazy to stress myself out with Khalaya, I dragged my feet over to jays room asking him to get our laya ready for school, in which he happily agreed. Thank God! Five extra minutes of sleep to me then I happily thought to myself but was disturbed by my mum yelling from downstairs "GLORY YOU HAVE HALF AN HOUR TO GET FOR SCHOOL THEN I WANT YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE" Great, just great, it's lovely hearing your mum screaming at you to get out of the house in half an hour at 6:45 in the morning.. Hint the sarcasm.

I was unbelievably tired because Khalaya had kept me awake last night.. Never give a 4 yr old coke, vimto and 7up all at the same time. Oh God I could feel my eyelids closing which wasnt good, I just wanted to curl up in the warmth of my duvet and visit dreamland, but I knew that wasnt an option right now, unfortunately.

Just as I was getting my necessary books put of my locker, I felt a finger poke my cheek and a little startled, I let my fist fly up to their face when I realized it was Sarah.. Oops, she'll get over it."hey boo-aaaaah what the hell Glory!" she shrieked as I raised my hands in surrender "sorry, I thought you were someone else" she just continued glaring at me before making the most stupidest comment "does that someone else happen to be in jail right now?" she asked through gritted teeth raising an eyebrow at me.

This was getting too far now and it was a long story (you'll find out later) "I said I was sorry now shut up" I hissed making sure nobody heard me "okay okay calm down love what's wrong with you?" she asked. This girl could read me like a book and I swear she was psychic. The truth wasn't even that bad to be honest so I might as well complain to Sarah

"our laya kept me up last night and I'm meant to be meeting Justin and I'm tired and I can't find my concealer so you can see my bags under my eyes and-" she cut cut me off before I could complain any further by putting her hands up in surrender "enough! God! I should have known what I was getting into!" she cried while reaching into her locker and handing me the concealer "thanks boo" I giggled while applying the product under my eyes

Sarah opened her mouth to speak when she was cut off by Faith, Sian, Deborah, Kate, Katie, Leylah and Caitlin who came over singing boyfriend at the top of their lungs... These were my friends... Amused by this, Sarah and I decided to join in, thinking this would be a good way to wake me up a bit.We started running down the hallway telling people to join in while twirling them around. As we came to the end of the song, we burst into fits of laughter and for about ten minutes we were on the floor crying until we just started messing about.

We were having a good time until a figure approached us, I couldn't exactly make out who it was because my eyes were all watery after crying off something Caitlin did so it was a bit of a blur "can we help you" I heard Sian ask, she sounded a bit harsh but I'm sure she didnt mean to. I could tell it was a boy and that he had backed away clearly intimidated by us so I wiped my eyes to see who this boy was.

He was tall, tanned with wavy dark brown hair to compliment his ocean blue eyes, he had muscles bulging out of his shirt that went well with the toned abs outlining his stomach.. Wow he was gorgeous and not gonna lie. He was about to open his mouth when the same dipshit that asked me out before came jogging up to us.. Ugh "have you told them or what?" he asked breathlessly, he just smirked eyeing all of us up and down. Getting fed up with his presence, Katie decided to voice what was going through all of our heads "tell us what?" "oh well miss Holmes saw all of you messing about when she was getting books from the stock cupboard and thought you were bunking since class started 20 minutes ago and she told the vice principal" the dipshit started...

Oops, I totally forgot we were even in school, let alone hear the bell.. "arrr! Are you messing, I didn't even hear the bell intact I don't think any of us did!" Deborah sighed, lifting her palm to her face. This wasnt the first time this had happened, in fact it happened quite often so none of us were really worried. As if reading my mind, the little piffy decided to speak up "I'd be worried if I were you, the vice looks pretty pissed off this morning, she flipped at Noreen for getting her bourbons when she wanted custard creams" shit.

"she almost sacked the poor woman! And the fact that she asked for bourbons aswell then changed her mind while Noreen was getting them!" the dipshit said, adding his own piece of information into the conversation. Okay I was a little worried now because the vice and Noreen were really close... But she loves us so she might not flip... But she also loves Noreen(in a friendly manner) and yet she still flipped on her...

I guess we'll wait and see...

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now