Chapter 65

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Justin's POV

"Calm down!! Calm down Chaz!" I had to hold him back from going at Cameron again.

"No I'm not done with that faggot" he growled.

"Chaz please calm down" Faith pleaded.

"Don't even talk to me" he spat walking past us.

"Oh my God" she breathed out as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Where's Glory?" she demanded "I don't know" I sighed.

"Well find her!" she fumed "okay calm down now Faith" I defended.

"Just find her... Please" she growled glaring at me.

"I will jheez" I rolled my eyes as I started searching the house.

"Hey have you seen Glory?" I asked Brogan who was grinding on Harry.. Awkward.

"Who?" she shouted as she was still grinding...

"Err.. Glory.. Have you seen her?" I repeated myself.

"Oh err yeah.. She went upstairs with Nash before" she told me.

"That being a guy's name?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yup" she smiled.. Still grinding..


"Oh my God Glory where are yo- excuse me?!" I fumed.

"Oh thank God, this idiot won't leave me alone" Glory rolled her eyes as she tried to get past.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't knock you out right now for trying a move on my girl" I got in "Nash's" face.

"Chill, I didn't know plus she said no didn't she?" he put his hands up.

"Come near her again and I'll fucking end you" I snarled.

"Jheez, protective much" he chuckled.

This little fucker was getting on my nerves.. So I took a swing at his face.

"Dickhead" I scoffed then left the room... Which Glory had already left.

"Hey have you seen Glory?.. Again?" I asked Brogan... You don't realize how uncomfortable it is to try and talk to someone who's too busy grinding up on another person.

"She's out in the back, you need to stop losing your girl J" she chuckled as I made my way to the back.

"You need to lay off the drinks and weed" I laughed taking the bottle off her.

"Gimme my Malibu" she pouted reaching out for the bottle.

"You're obsessed with this stuff" I chuckled drinking from the bottle "and I can see why" I acknowledged.

"Yeah now give it back" she reached her hand out.

"Nope" I smiled dangling the bottle in the air.

"I'll blow in your face" she threatened.

"I dare you" I smiled downing the rest of the bottle and next thing you know I had a load of smoke in my face.

"Oh. My. God Glory!!" I exclaimed swatting the smoke away.

"I told you" she laughed then grabbed the bottle.

"Give that back" I grabbed the bottle but then it was empty.

"Hold on, imma go get some more" she giggled giving me her blunt.

"Out here getting high as wiz khalifa eh?" a boy laughed coming out into the back garden.

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now