Chapter 54

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"Hey bitches" I greeted, joining everyone by our lockers "morning nigga" Deborah laughed.

"Anything happening this weekend?" I wondered.

"The game on Friday night, will you be cheerleading?" Ryan asked "does Miss. Mulner know about my injury?" I double-checked.

"Don't think so" he replied "then yeah" I smiled "I don't think so" Justin came behind me "why?" I pouted.

"Because you're injured, no cheerleading until you're fully healed" he stated "we'll see about that" I mumbled.

"Anyway there's a party after it, it's mainly for the cheerleaders and football players but we can invite our friends" Chaz informed.

"We're mostly cheerleaders and football players anyway" I shrugged.

"Well thank God it's Wednesday, Friday soon" Sian huffed "yeah" Katie sighed.

"Hey Glory" I hate that voice.

It belonged to the slut of the school who had been trying to get in our group for ages.

"Hi Courtney" I sighed "I heard you're still injured from getting stabbed.." she smiled evily.

"Yeah" I spoke hesitantly.

"Well why don't you let me run the school til you've fully recovered" she offered.

"I don't run the school, Mrs. Mullen does" I said in a 'duh' tone of voice.

"And even if I did, I would pass it on to one of my friends" I rolled my eyes.

Her being is irritating.

"Are you saying I'm not you're friend?!" hurt evident in her voice but I knew it was fake, the bitch just wants to be popular.

"I mean my close friends, the people I'm with all the time" I explained.

"Well if you'd let me, I could be one of those people" she rolled her eyes.

"Erm I've gotta go, I'm late for cheerleading practice" I sighed once more.

"You're not going" Justin sternly spoke.

"Yes I am" I started walking away "listen to your little boyfriend bitch I'm talking to you" Courtney pulled my hair back.

"Don't fucking touch my hair" I glared at her "why not, you can't do shit" she smirked.

"Injured or not, I can still smack a bitch" I growled.

"I'd like to see you try" she laughed and just as I was about to prance on her, Justin held me back.

"No you don't" he sighed pulling me away.

"That's what I thought you little pussy" she folded her arms and kicked me.

Dear God, please help me to control my temper,


"You. Can't. Do. Shit." she spoke slowly as she repeatedly kicked me.

"Ay! Enough" Justin shoved her away but still kept his eye on me "Justin let me go" I spoke calmly "no" he argued.

"I won't do anything, I'm injured aren't I?" I reasoned with him "promise?" he raised both eyebrows.

"Promise" I sighed "okay" he gave in.. Bad move.

I charged at the bitch and ragged her to the ground then stomped on her face repeatedly and dug the heel of my foot into the small of her back before grabbing her head and doing smackdown on her.

I grabbed her greasy jet black hair and slammed her face into the lockers then slamming her face into my foot.

I was about to boot her in the stomach when I felt a sharp pain in my side where my wound was, I felt my wound and blood was coming out.

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