Chapter 61

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Glory's POV

"You can let go now Caitlin" I sighed mentally rolling my eyes.

"Why? So you can live and have the happy ever after I was meant to have with Justin?" she snarled.

"You don't actually think I love Justin do you?" I chuckled...


She'll only let me go if she thinks I don't really like Justin.. Smart I know.

"Wait so you don't really like Justin?" she furrowed her eyebrows as she slowly let me go.

"I'm just a model, they aren't that famous-"

"Supermodel, you're known by literally everyone" Caitlin corrected me.

Aww I'm flattered.

"Well you see I didn't think that so I needed Justin to get me more known" I shrugged.

"So if I let you go and we both get out of here... I can have Justin?" she questioned.

"Yup" I popped the 'p'.. Nope.

"Okay then, we've got.. 3 minutes, we'll never make it to the entrance. There's a short cut here" she sighed leading the way.

Thank you Jesus!

"We've got to hurry, this place'll blow up in less than a minute" Caitlin worriedly checked her watch.

"Well where's the door?" I queried looking around.

"Down that hallway third right" she informed.

"Fast walk" I instructed so we did. "How long left?" I asked.

"32 seconds" she gasped "jog" I instructed so we did.

"How long left?" I asked again "11!" she stared at her watch.

"Run!" I instructed so we started running.

"How long?" I gushed out for the last time.

"2 seconds! Go!" Caitlin yelled as we bolted for the door.

"Oh my God it's gonna blow!" and just as I said that, the Flames sent us flying along with the door.

My body coming in contact with the hot concrete was all I remembered.

Justin's POV

I woke up to bright lights but not as bright as the hospital..

"He's awake! Wow that was quite quick" a man in white said.

"Where am I? Are you a doctor?" I enquired.

"You're in an ambulance and yes I'm a doctor" he replied writing something on his board.

"Where's Glory? Where's my mom? Where's Khalaya?" I got worried.

"Relax they're all in separate ambulances" the doctor pushed me back down.

"So they're okay?" hope rising up inside me.

"Well Glory is in an unstable condition, Khalaya is injured not that bad but because she's younger, her body will take a longer time to react and recover and your mom, well she's not hurt so bad, just a few burns" he listed.

"Oh thank God.. But I need to see them" I sighed a sigh of relief.

"But Justin.. You're badly injured and was expected to be in a coma for a couple of days.. It's a miracle you're awake right now" the doctor shook his head.

"Just ignoring the pain" I shrugged.

"Well when we get to the hospital, we'll see how long it takes you to recover then you can see them" he suggested.

How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now