Chapter 26

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Glorys POV

"Hey Glory" I heard someone say behind me, I shut my locker and turned around to find that gorgeous tanned boy from a while back.

"Oh hey..." I trailed off waiting for a name "oh Joey" he smiled "err the vice wants to see you" he continued.

"Oh okay" I replied shutting my locker.


"Glory do you know why I called you here?" Mrs. Mullen asked sternly "naa not really" I shrugged, she's used to my behavior I'm often in her office for one reason or the other.

"Wll you know what you did the other day.. To the new student who had only been in Stratford for a week?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh you mean the blonde bitch? I'm as thirsty as hell, could you make us a coffee?" I asked throwing my head back.

"For the last time Glory, watch your language and how many sugars?" she turned around to start making them.

She had everything she needed in her office.

"Err just two" I answered.

"There you go, now Glory this is serious. As soon as Miranda got out of hospital, her family left Stratford" she sighed.

"Not my fault, she came over to me and tried to wind me up, she broke my phone and she tried to start a fight with me which she couldn't finish.." I shrugged taking a sip of my coffee but burnt my tongue.

"AAWW THIT! I burt ba pungue!!" I whined "oh Glory you dozy Rosie" Mrs. Mullen rolled her eyes "dozy osie? Ea-ee?" I questioned folding my arms.

(a/n she has a burnt tongue! Ea-ee means really lol).

"Ehatever, anyway Glory I'm putting you on a green card okay? I'm gonna keep a close eye on you" she said getting serious.

"Yeth mith" I rolled my eyes "okay now off you pop" she sighed playfully.

"Kay, imma take thith" I said getting up and taking the coffee with me.

"Yeah yeah, tell your teacher I've given you permission. You've probably missed cheerleading practice" she said "aww cwap" I sighed "bye" I called out making my way out.


"Ayy Glory!" Justin whisper-shouted as I sat down fifteen minutes late for class "hmm?" I whispered back "where were you?" he asked.

"Vice's office" I answered sipping my coffee "what have you done now? And why've you got coffee?" he questioned "nothing.. And Mrs. Mullen made it for me" I responded.

"Do you mind explaining why I can hear you talking?" Mr. Wilson asked looking directly at me and Justin "because you have ears" I bluntly stated.

I looked over at Justin and he was giving me that "shut up don't make it worse" type of look but I just shrugged it off.

"Excuse me?!" he said raising an eyebrow "oh so you can't hear me now? It's like your ears have an on/off button" I muttered folding my arms.

"Do you want to repeat that?" he came closer "be arsed, no offense sir but you seriously need hearing aids" I sighed taking a sip of my coffee.

"How dare you insult me?!" he yelled "arrr don't shout!" I moaned holding onto my head.

"And why not?! I will bloody well shout!" he screamed coming closer and the pain just increased.

"The fuck sir?! Stop shouting!" I wailed literally clutching onto my head.

"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE USE THAT LANGUAGE ON ME!!" he screamed once again. I began to feel faint, taking big deep breaths.

I was feeling light-headed "get out of my face I swear" I clenched my jaw.

He just laughed and folded his arms "vice principle's office... Now!" he demanded, sack this.

"Who needs history, they're all dead anyway" I rolled my eyes getting up but as soon as I took the first step, I fainted.


"Glory!! How are you feeling hun?" I heard my mum say as I opened my eyes "my head's killing me" I sighed.

I was about to get up but my head felt like it was too heavy for my body to carry so I ended up back on the bed...

Come to think of it now, I think I was in hospital "Mr. Wilson is in for it now" I heard Faith say "well the bastard shouldn't have screamed at me then" I huffed.

"When you fainted, Justin called your dad & I and when we got to the school, your dad was furious" my mum explained.

"Oh... He's probably dead right now" I joked "right we'll start planning out the funeral shall we?" Faith joined in.

"Ah Glory! How are you feeling?" the same doctor came in, the one that was looking after me when I was last here "head hurts like hell" I sighed.

"Well I did tell you to keep the noise down" he folded his arms "weren't my fault though so..." I shrugged looking around the room.

"Well you'll be discharged in half an hour, keep the noise down for real this time and come see me in two weeks" he sternly warned.

"Yes doctor" I rolled my eyes "good now take care okay?" "yes yes, bye" I sighed. Ugh I want to go home.

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