Chapter 22

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The track is where I always go when I'm pissed off or annoyed or just need some time to myself. I just run and run and run.

My coach trains me on the normal training days but on days like this I train myself and yes I have a key to the sports centre, they love me.

I got changed and set my foot holder out, positioning my feet on them once I set up a timer for 100m and 200m.

I ran 100m. 12s. I ran 200m. 25s. I ran 100m. 11.96s. I ran 200m. 24.58s.

I just kept running and running with my times coming up on the screen, from the first one I did to the last one I did. But I wasn't done yet, no.

There were times when I would just run for like two hours and the only breaks I took were the walks back to the starting line while drinking a bit of water.


I had been running for one and a half hours when I saw a black silhouette standing by the screen. Guessing it was Justin, I ignored their presence and kept running.

"You're quite the runner aren't you?" they chuckled coming out of the dark and into the light. It was Liam.

"What do you want?!" I spat, trying to muster the most disgusted look ever and throwing it In his face. "Calm down babe, I just wanted to see you run" he smirked, surrendering with his hands "well you have now bye bye" I fake smiled.

By now I had reached the starting line and was just positioning myself when I realized he was coming over.

"Aww don't be like that, come on that's enough running. Why don't we.... Talk" he smirked once again, reaching for me.

"Sorry gotta dash" I quickly informed and before he had time to retaliate, I sprinted down the track praying it would never stop.

But of course it did.

I walked back to quickly collect my things when all of a sudden I felt the ground below me and everything went black.

Justins POV

Arr no! I don't know where she could have possibly gone? Where does she go when she's pissed? I haven't got a clue..

I walked up to Jays room and knocked on the door "what?!" he shouted through the door, you could tell he had been sleeping "err it's Justin! I need your help!" I called out "with what?!" he groggily asked through the closed door.

"Glory!" I answered which made him open the door quite quick "what have you done to my sister?!" he growled getting all up in my face.

Now I know what she meant when she said her whole family fights, I was actually a bit scared plus he's 21 and I'm 17...

"Err.. Err.. We had a bit of an argument then she stormed out of the house with a Nike duffel bag beyond pissed" I responded.

He looked lost in thought like trying to figure out where she could be "hmm... Beyond pissed...? Nike duffel bag....? Oh the track!!!" he beamed at me "so you mean she's gone to run? It's been like almost two hours, nobody runs that long do they?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows together now.

"Well yeah, she always goes there when she needs to blow off some steam and Glory doesn't run for 2 hours, she SPRINTS for 2 hours" he sternly warned going down the stairs. "Wait I'm coming!" I jumped and followed him down the stairs.

But Jay couldn't find his keys anywhere "arrr!! She's taken my car!" he fumed. He just grabbed a different set of keys and headed for the door in which I ran after him.


"Well there's my car, so she must still be here" Jay pointed out while killing the engine. I just jumped out and fast walked to the entrance. Once I waa in, I ran to the track but only to be met by a big screen with loads of times on it then Glorys Nike duffel bag "Glory?!" I called out "Glory?!" I tried once again.

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