Chapter 7

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Justins POV

This was too funny, how could a person be that gullible. I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes and because of that I hadn't noticed Glory get out of the pool and make her way over to me.

It was until I felt a wet hand on my wrist that I knew I was being dragged to the pool, but before I could stop any of this from happening, I was once again in the water with Glory splashing water on me and Khalaya on my back... Oh how I loved these two!


We messed around in the pool for about half an hour until we started to head in.

I was just coming out of the shower when I bumped into someone... I seem to be doing that alot these days "oh sorry about that" I said as the boy just stared at me "err you must be Jay right?" I asked embracing him in a man hug

"Errm.. Yeah" he replied looking slightly confused "I thought she was joking" he muttered under his breath. Curious as to what he was talking about I decided to ask "you thought who was joking?" I asked scratching the back of my neck "huh?... Oh nothing" he quickly said scurrying past me and down the stairs.


I headed down the staircase and made my way over to the living room where I found Khalaya watching Dora and Glory sitting next to her on her phone. So I just sat down next to her and got my own phone out.

"Hey Glory?" I asked curiously turning away from my phone "yeah?" she asked also turning away from her own phone.

"Are you a model?" I asked being a bit to straightforward "err.. Yeah.. Why?" she answered looking somewhat confused "oh no reason, I was just looking at the pictures over there" I said pointing to where the pictures were.

"Oh... Okay.." she said hesitantly looking back at her phone "so..." I started "are you big?" oh no wait that didn't sound right ughhh, I just gave myself a facepalm "ahaha it's okay, I know what you mean... So how big do you mean?" she asked giggling.

Aww she has a cute giggle, she just... She's so innocent.. "hello?.. Earth to Justin!" she said waving her hand in my face. Oops, was staring a but too long "oh err.. Well like Jourdan Dunn, Cara Delevingne big.." I responded blushing slightly because she had caught me staring.

"Aww, you look adorable when you blush!" she cooed squeezing my cheeks "and I don't really know how big I am but I'm really close with Jourdan and Cara, we Londoners stick together" she said sticking her tongue out at me in a playful way.

"Oh well that's good coz I was born in London too!!" I said squeezing the life out of Glory on purpose with a big cheesy grin on my face "can't... Breath" Glory squeaked out "that's the whole idea" I replied jokingly letting loose a bit "Hey!! Stop killing my mummy!! Or I'll kill you!!" Khalaya threatened.

I almost forgot she was even in the room.. Oops. "ohh no Khalaya please dont kill me !!" I cried dramatically while Glory sat there laughing... I though she couldn't breath?? Lier. "Yeah well let go of my mummy!" she said now getting off the couch and crossing her arms.

"Yeah well what if I don't?" I said smirking "well then I have no other choice than to tickle you Bieber" she smirked... I knew she would say that and my smirk grew wider "but what if?..... I TICKLE YOU FIRST?!!" I cried, and before she had any time to comprehend what was going on,i had attacked her with my fingers, tickling her all over.

"Hey! No.. Fair.. Bieber!" she whined in between laughs "well I guess you should always be ready then eh" I laughed standing up "whatever, I want donuts!" Khalaya demanded trying to be serious and with that, she ran to the kitchen.

I sat back on the couch and just started talking about random things with Glory

"so Justin, you know when I said we Londoners stick together and you were like 'oh well that's good coz I was born in London too' and then almost killed me?..."

"Yeah?" I motioned for her to go on

"Well what did you mean by that? She asked, looking at me asif she really didn't have a clue... She looked cute! "Well I was born in-" I started off but then she finished my sentence

"London, Ontario oh yeah, how could I forget" she giggled again "anyway, my mum and dad probably won't get home till like ten, god knows where they go, Jays upstairs.. Probably with our laya, you and me are here and Macy went out with her friends.. It's 8:15 now so she should be back in 3...2...1"

"IM HOME PEOPLE!!!" someone shouted as the door flung open "wow" I chuckled to myself

"well well well, if it isn't the biebsmister" who I'm assuming to be Macy smirk... I couldn't really tell if she was a fan or not so I just said "hi"

"Well hello to you too brother-in-law" she said giving me a warm hearted smiling... Not being cheesy or nothin but... I like how that sounded

"Shut up Macy, Jono is upstairs waiting for you" Glory smirked "WHAT?! WHERE?! WHEN?!" Macy shrieked. She didnt even wait for an answer, she just shot up the stairs while Glory burst into fits of laughter.

A few seconds later Macy realized that 'Jono' wasn't there and shouted something pleasant to Glory "BITCH" she screamed, knowing fully well that Glory had tricked her, she just laughed harder than she already was.. Funny girl.

"mind filling me in.." I said, not really knowing who Jono was "oh Jono is her boyfriend, they're soo caught up in each other, they're probably talking right now" she replied

"Oh" was all I said. "Hey lets watch a movie" I suggested and Glory was all for it

"We're watching Mr and Mrs. Smith" Glory demanded, putting the DVD in and I just chuckled at her actions "oh so I dont get a say in it then? Even though it was my suggestion.." I laughed.

"Nopee" she giggled popping the "P". We got comfy and settled down for the movie.


Glory had fallen asleep halfway through the movie with her head on my lap, she looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake her up but I did anyway

"Glory, hey Glory wake up, the movies finished" I whispered, gently shaking her as her eyes fluttered open

"Huh? Oh, what time is it?" she asked sleepily

I scanned the room and found the clock that held my answer "oh wow, it 9:45, I best be off" I said standing up in which she just nodded and stood up aswell.

She linked my arm and guided me to the door where we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I think I like her... I'm nor sure, but I haven't even known her for a full week yet. She was just different to other girls though, she's not your stereotypical bitchy head cheerleader.

She's kind, caring, stunning, strong, lively, fun, loved(by me), warm-hearted and just perfect! Plus I love her clothes and she likes action films... She's everything you could wish for in a girl and I think I more than like her...

Glorys POV

I really enjoyed myself today, I hadn't had hat much fun in ages but me and Khalaya were both worn out. As soon as Justin left I went straight to bed since Khalaya was already sleeping.

I know I go around telling people that Justin is my husband and that I genuinely love him, but now that I'm actually getting to know him like not from a beliebers perspective, but from like a close friend perspective... I really like him, if not more.. But the real question is...

What does he feel?


Haven't proof-read this by the way, too lazy. And ya'll go read changes by @cuddlingraughls !! #bestie

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