Chapter 9

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Justins POV

I tried to comfort Glory but she wouldn't let me, still clearly dramatized by the whole situation "Glory I promise I won't hurt you" I tried once more, opening my arms out to her.

But she just shuck her head, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth while the tears fell from her cheeks.

I couldn't stand seeing her like this and I was gonna make that bastard pay, but when I turned around he was gone. That's right you better run bitch. I sighed and sat next to Glory on the floor. A comforting silence lingered in the air until she decided to speak.

"Thank you" she spoke softly "for what? You don't need to thank me for anything" I replied giving her a warm smile. Returning the favour, she swiftly replied back.

"No I do, if you hadn't come, only God knows what he would have done" her smile faded as you could tell she had drifted off into her thoughts. Possibly thinking about what he would have done.

"No Glory don't" I said sternly putting both hands on her shoulders "I know what you're thinking about and that won't help" I carried on, looking straight into her eyes.

"I know and I'm sorry it's just that it felt like that night all over again" she whispered the last part and right now, I had no idea what she was talking about but I decided to be delicate with the topic we were about to go into.

"What?" I asked quietly and softly. She averted her gaze and wouldn't make eye contact "the night I got raped" she replied so quietly I could barely hear her. I wasn't exactly sure if I had heard right but when I saw the tears welling up in her eyes, I knew she was serious.

That must have been how she got Khalaya..?

"Well do you want to talk about it? I mean... You don't have to" I asked so quite that I was afraid if I spoke any louder, she would break and that tears were bound to be shed. "No no it's fine, I want you to know" she answered, resting her head on my shoulder.

*Flashback* London Glorys POV

It was a nice June evening and the family and I were making our way over to my dad's office. One of his colleagues were leaving so they were throwing a party were everyone was invited plus their families but I wasnt really excited because I would just be with my sister or brother the whole way through.

I have to admit, I was looking quite tidy ;). I had on a long-sleeved black lace dress that was mid-thigh high and hugged my body, a white blazer that went with me white seven inch invisible heels that had studs on them.

A gold tone chunky curb chain necklace that went with my gold Gucci clutch. My hair was straightened to perfection, smoky black eyes and nude lips to finish off. And yes just turned 12 three months ago.

As soon as we got to our table, everyone went off to meet someone else so I just sat here on my phone for a while until I could feel someones gaze on me. Looking up into the direction of the gaze, I found a boy staring at me like I'm a piece of meat.

"Can I help you?" I spat knowing he wasn't moving any time soon "yes you can actually, you can be the mother of my babies" he smirked eyeing me up and down.

I just snarled at him and went to find a member of my family, hoping he didn't follow me.

He tried to get us alone all night but I made sure that didn't happen, I made sure that there was atleast one other person in the room.

It was almost the end of the night thank God and he hadn't succeeded.

I had to go to the bathroom but as soon as I got in, I heard the door shut with a click.. He hadn't .. Had he? No he wouldn't do that.

I felt a hot breath on my neck and that's when I knew he had. As soon as I turned around, he covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming and pushed me up against the wall causing me to go dizzy for a minute.

"You're gonna be screaming my name" he growled into my ear "in your dreams " I spat trying to pry him off me but he had me locked in. "funny thing that.. My dreams come true" he said chuckling.

"Just get the fuck off me" I hissed through clenched teeth "oooh someones getting mad, I like a feisty girl " he whispered kissing my neck, I felt disgusting. "fucking do one or so help me God I will kick you where the sun don't shine" I threatened, knowing me I wasnt scared to.

"Oh yeah? And how can you do that when I have your legs trapped eh?" he smirked biting my neck... Ughhh. "Fuck you" was all I was able to say, trying to wriggle free but failing in the process.

"Okay babe your wish is my command" he whispered "no wait please I didn't mean it like that!" I cried but it was too late.


About ten minutes had passed and I just sat on the floor bawling my eyes out.

I couldn't believe I had just been raped and it was practically my fault for saying "fuck you". Oh nice one Glory, for all you know he could of gotten me pregnant... Dear Lord Jesus. I sat here with a tear stained face feeling lifeless and helpless.

"Glory?! Glory! Were goi- what happened?!" I heard someone shriek and right away I knew it was my sister Macy without even lifting my head.

Well if I've been raped there's a 50-50 chance I might be pregnant.. I hope not but I might aswell tell.

"I- Ive been raped.." I croaked so quietly I dont think she heard me, but I was wrong, she heard me loud and clear.

"You've been WHAT??!!" She yelled almost deafening me. "You heard what I said" I replied through gritted teeth. "How did this happen?" she asked sitting next to me, her tone getting calmer by the second.

"When we got here and all of you lot bailed on me, this boy came over and he wouldn't leave me alone all night, then when I finally came here he-" I couldn't finish off the sentence because I started choking on my tears.

Macy got up and was raging! She curled her hands into fists and said one last thing before storming out. "I'm gonna kill him". Was the last thing she said.

Our Macy was always one to start fights, we kinda had the fighting gene in us but we would never start them. But she was as tough as hell and I started worrying for the boy... How did she even know which boy I was talking about? I had to stop her before she did anything stupid.

I raced out of the bathroom, wiping my eyes along the way so I could see where I was going, not caring how I look like right now.

I saw a crowd gather and I knew it was Macy. Squeezing my way through all these people only to see that she had the right boy.. She actually had the right boy. So I just stood there and watched since he deserved it for even laying a finger on me until my dad came barging his way through, yanking Macy off the bastard and yelling at her.

"It's not me you should be yelling at here! HE IS " she yelled back, clearly not taking the shit my dad was handing out now.

"And why would I do that?! Hmm?! He's the victim here, you dont just go round beating the crap out of boys like that!" my dad fumed, trying to get his point across.

"Well if you must know, he's just raped your daughter over there" she said scaringly calm while pointing her finger at me. A few gasps and other noises of disbelief slipped from people's mouths.

It was until my dad saw all my makeup messed up, with red puffy eyes and black all around them that he knew my sister wasn't lying.

"Oh honey" he whispered giving me a sympathetic smile while sadness, pity, sorrow and sympathy evident in his face.

All of those pitiful emotions vanished and were soon replaced with fury and anger and hatred as he turned to the boy. You could literally smell the anger on him.."you bastard" he said clenching his jaw.. Like father like daughter. He grabbed ahold of his shirt and slammed him into wall.

They had a little conversation that nobody could hear and before I knew it, my dad took swing to his face and then his stomach. He whispered one little thing in which the boy rapidly nodded his head before scurrying away.


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