Chapter 48

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"Justin what are you doing?" I squeaked out.

There is no way in hell I'm ready for marriage this can't be happening I'm only 17 I've got my whole life ahead of me my career my-

"Chill Glory, it's a promise ring" Justin chuckled.

"That's not even funny Justin" I slapped his arm playfully "okay okay" he laughed standing up and putting the ring on my finger.

"I promise to stay by your side, I promise to be the best I can for you, I promise to protect you, I promise to take care of you... And I promise to always love you" Justin smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled sincerely, hugging him.

"You know I love you" I could feel him smile as he buried his head into the crook of my neck "I love you too my cheesy boo" I laughed.

"Hey I'm not cheesy" he defended

"Yes you are" I stuck my tongue out "but that's one of the things I love about you" I poked his cheek.

"Now YOU'RE being cheesy" he laughed "well I guess we can be cheesy together" I giggled "I guess so" he grinned


"Let's go iceskating" I grinned.

It was the 22nd now and all these were leaving in about three days so I tried to do as much as possible.

"Can Khalaya iceskate?" Chaz queried "yup, I took her like 5 times last year. She loves it" I giggled.

"Well then let's go!" Faith beamed leading the way.


"Thank God this place isn't too crowded" I sighed with relief "yeah I know or you and me would get mobbed" Justin chuckled.

"Come on mummy let's go" Khalaya started dragging me "calm down Laya, you're gonna iceskate" I reasoned with her.

"Right how long are we staying?" Leylah wondered.

"How about an hour?" Christian bargained but then Leylah just glared at him and gave him a 'did I ask you to answer my question?' type of look.

She still wasn't talking to him, despite what I told her the other day, she still said she needed time.

She's stubborn.

"I'll go get the skates, what size are you all?" Katie asked as she walked away.

"I'll go with you" I smiled once everyone told her what size they were.

"Explain" she bluntly stated holding my hand up into view.

"Relax, it's a promise ring" I laughed pulling my hand away "good, remember you two are only 17" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes mum I know" I joked.

"But if it was engagement... Then I would definitely be a bridesmaid" she grinned "you're crazy" I rolled my eyes jokingly as I put an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh my God" the girl behind the counter squealed.

"Erm.. Hi" I chuckled.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God" she hyperventerlated "calm down hun, I'm human too" I told her.

"And you also happen to be a victorias secret angel, an amazing model, my idol, inspiration and motivation" she listed "aww thank you" I smiled whole-heartedly as I hugged her tight.

That just made my day.

"Don't listen to the haters, they're all just jealous you're with Justin Bieber and you're this absolutely stunning model" she went on and on as she got the skates for us.

She's amazing but she talks a bit too much.

"What's your name?" I asked "Lucy, Lucy Matellee" she beamed.

"Well can I follow you on anything?" I got my phone out "Twitter and instagram, just type my name in and I should come up" she grinned "okay" I smiled.

"Thanks" I said taking the skates "you're welcome, just remember. Haters are your motivators" she said sternly.

"I'll remember that" I kept note of everything she said.

"How long did you two take?" Chaz exclaimed as he grabbed his pair of skates

"The girl kept rambling on at Glory about how much she loves her and how she shouldn't listen to all the hate and all that" Katie sighed handing all the skates out.

"Oh" Chaz acknowledged.


"Justin slow down!" I screamed, trying to stifle my laughter as he pulled me around the rink.

"You're not gonna fall Glory, I've got you" he laughed going even faster.

"Justin Drew....... Williams.. Stop right now" I demanded.

I almost forgot there were other people here so I quickly thought of a different last name, a pretty crap one aswell.

"Williams? Seriously Glory.... Jones" he smirked "not funny" I huffed making my way over to where Khalaya was.

"Glory you're not actually mad are you?" he shouted after me.

I wasn't really but it was gonna be amusing, watching him try to get me to forgive him.

"Come on Laya, let's go around" I took her hand "can daddy Bieber come?" she asked innocently.

"Erm he can go with Chaz" I suggested "okay" she smiled.

"Glory, Khalaya wait up!" Justin shouted "mummy stop" she dragged my hand backwards as she waited for Justin.

"Mummy said you were going to go around with uncle Chaz" she innocently cocked her head to the side.

"No I'd rather go with you two" Justin said "let's go then" she held onto Justin's hand aswell as mine.

"Glory I'm sorry, it was just a joke" Justin sighed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" he was as confused as hell "I'm not actually mad at you, just wanted to see what you would do" I shrugged.

"That wasn't funny, I actually thought you were mad at me because of one little joke" he chuckled.

"Naa I'm not like that" I shuck my head.

"Oh my God don't look to your right" he muttered as if he was annoyed.

"Why?" I enquired resisting the urge to turn my head.

"Because there's big people taking pictures of us" Khalaya gleamed, smiling and waving.

"No Khalaya don't wave, they're naughty people called paparazzi and they don't leave you alone" I sighed putting her hand down.

"I'm getting off" I huffed.

"Can we go around one more time daddy Bieber?" Khalaya asked "yeah" he smiled "see you later yeah?" he kissed my cheek.

"Yeah see you" I smiled as I got off the ice.

"Did you have a good time?" the girl from before asked as she gave me my shoes back.

"Yeah I did thanks, erm where's the bathroom?" I enquired "down that hallway on the left" she smiled

"Thanks" I said making my way down.

Just I was about to turn left, I felt someone grab my arm then everything went black.


What Glory wore is on the side, should I keep putting her outfits up or nah?

Left a tiny clue in this chapter that has something to do with the enemies, Pattie and Faye.. See if you can find it ;) drama is on it's way so keep reading!



How I Met Your Father(Justin Bieber interracial fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now