Chapter 21

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Justins POV

"Glory what the hell is wro,ng with you?!" I yelled. She almost killed that girl, and I'm not joking "what? She started it" she shrugged so calmly, taking interest in her nails "and you had to finish it didn't you?!" I sarcastically shouted.

"Well.. Yeah" wow, she was so calm it scared me "hey Glory that was dope! But youre a little out of practice, its been a while since you last put someone in hospital!" some dickhead grinned "if your not careful, I'll practice on you, bastard" Glory glared at him and folded her arms.

"Woah there!! Put in hospital?! It's been a while?! How often do you fight Glory?!" I was frustrated now and I didn't even know why she was fighting "well actually I don't fight, I just teach people a lesson and I dunno, I don't keep count do I ?" why the hell was she so calm?

Other girls would be panting, trying to go back to their normal breathing rate while having a bitch fit... But she was so calm.

"Eerr, if it helps, I've got... 30...7, 37 videos of Glorys fights since we started here.... And most of them are .... Boys.. Who couldn't keep their hands off her" he butted in, peering at his phone "37?! Really Glory?! 37?!" I screamed, if I was frustrated before, God knows what I was now.

"Why is it important? It's not like I'm fighting you is it?" she shrugged "oh wow Glory really, wow. It's important because I don't want you hurt! I'm afraid that one day, when someone fights you, they'll freaking put YOU in hospital!!" I was raging now.

"Have you forgot I do every martial arts known to man, I go running daily, I cheer daily, I'm as fit as a fiddle, as fast as a cheater and as strong as a lion, so why are you freaking out?" she questioned raising an eyebrow "BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!! There! Are you happy now?" and with that, I just took off.

I just ran thinking about my stupidity, what if she didnt love me back? What if she left me? What if it was too much for her to handle let alone me, I know this is early love but it's real aswell. I can't help it can I?! I should have just waited for her response before taking off like that. Arrrrr I don't know what to do!!!

We only had 1 more lesson to go so there was no point going back. I just decided to go and chill in a nearby Starbucks or something then go pick Laya up instead of Jay because she finishes before us.

Well I did it I guess, I told Glory I loved her.

Glorys POV

Ok wow.

I wasn't expecting that, I knew he was definitely around that love area, with mistakes he's been doing over the past week. But is he sure? I mean I've concluded that I do love him, very much.

But. Does he really love me?

Since I'm black, I'm always cautious about racism, I know I just beat the shit out of the person who has the guts to be racist to me but I'm still cautious. That's why whenever ever someone shows feeling of love towards me, I'm always hesitant because I'm not sure if they mean it. I'm black, I can't help but think of the racism in this world. I know everyones not racist but alot are.

My agent says the reason I'm ranked 11th in the top 50 models out of the world is because I have experience, skill, that glow, the personality and the beauty then to top it all off, I'm a quarter Mexican black girl so they say I'm exotic. But I still can't help but to think about all the negativity.

I knew he loved me but I was still shocked when he told me.

I looked all over the school for him, wanting to say I love you too, but I couldn't find him so I went to class which I was 30 mins late for... Oh well

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