Chapter 2

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It was the next day and I had to tell Justin about Khalaya. Khalaya is my 4 year old daughter, it's not what you think, I don't go sleeping around I got raped. Never talking about that again so you can forget it, my parents were really supportive and helped me with Khalaya and she's my world.

Her birthday is actually the day after mine so we're both March babies. My big brother was just the best with our laya, Jay really knew how to get her smiling and my little sister Macy was a great help aswell.


It was Friday morning and it was the usual for me, being head of the cheerleaders I get boys throwing themselves at me all the time but I just shake them off, ain't nobody got time for that lol. Me and my best friends Faith and Sarah own this school, we're all in the cheerleading squad but we're not those bitchy stereotypes that go around bullying people. No. We're kind to everyone and they are back.

I have another best friend, Deborah who is the girls basketball captain, she runs this school with us! We were gathered around our lockers with the rest of the cheerleading squad talking about cheerleading when someone whispered boo in my ear and I literally jumped out of my skin "oh hi Justin, don't do that!" I said slapping his arm.

He just laughed and said "guess who's showing me around the school..." I looked at him expecting an answer but he just continued staring at me... Oh I get him.. "me?!" I cried at the same time Justin rolled his eyes adding a sarcastic comment "no father Christmas" well I'm sorry there's like 150 odd other students... But then I thought this would be the perfect time to tell him... "okay, well you wanna get started?" I asked hope glistening in my eyes "ye sure legoo" he yelled running down the hallway.

Unluckily for him, Im much more fitter than him with harriers twice a week and cheerleading practice everyday. I jumped on his back indicating for him to stop which he did. I got down and started showing him the school, all this while trying to figure out how to tell him about laya. Then enough was enough.

"Justin?" "hmm?" he asked curiously "erm... Well ... I've got a kid" I decided to just get it out there. He stared at me for a while before asking "male or female?" "female" "her name?" "Khalaya, laya for short" "how old is she?" "4"

An awkward silence filled the air as he looked like he was contemplating on it. This was too awkward "can I meet her?" okay I was officially flabbergasted... "erm sure how about Monday?" our laya was going to freak since she was my belieber buddy. I glanced around, my eyes finding the clock that told me I was late for practice "oh I gotta go, I'm late for practice" I said quickly directing him to his class when he just gave me a confused look, I stopped and motioned towards my cheerleading outfit then realization hit him "OH what position are you?" he asked forming a smirk on his lips, I just rolled my eyes and started on my mini speech

"well I'm captain but just because I'm captain-" "means they won't start without you" he rudely cut me off but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find that flattering and I just had to show it didn't I "wow, you may be black but you blush like hell" oh my God I couldn't even look at him "bye!" I quickly called out scurrying down the hallway.


Cheerleading was fun as always partly because I lead it and partly because I just thoroughly enjoy cheerleading.

I must have been stuck in my thoughts because I hadn't noticed the group of boys infront of me until one started shaking me "huh? What?" I asked looking slightly dazed "I said do you wanna go out on Saturday? You know, have a little one on one time" he said winking and eyeing my body up and down, I just rolled my eyes and glared at him waiting for him to leave and to my luck he didn't (hint the sarcasm)

"woah calm down babe those eyes could kill" he joked smirking earning a scoff from me as I said "well actually they couldn't coz you're not dead you idiot and dont call me babe" and with that I walked away knowing that I didn't even have my books for the next two classes with me. Ughhh well done dipshit well done.


Here I was sitting 10 minutes into geography when the door swung open and of course I should have known, in walked a smirking Justin as his eyes scanned the room and landed on me.

Meandering over to a vacant seat by me, he winked and slouched down on his chair. I giggled and murmured some sort of hi when a piercing scream was heard from the back of the classroom. Curious as to what just broke my eardrums, I turned around to see Lucy Warburton one of my cheerleaders "oh my God any louder Lucy?!" I muttered under my breath, I looked over at Justin to see how he had reacted but to my surprise he had no facial expression on his face.

"what's wrong?" he asked with an 'i know what the answer is' look on his face... Typical. "THERE'S A MASSIVE SPIDER ON MY DESK!!! REMOVE IT NOW!!!" she shrieked which actually shocked Justin. I merely continued to watch, clearly amused by the whole thing "oh my God come here" Justin sighed getting out of his chair and over to where the tiny spider was.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sian, Leylah and Katie pissing themselves with laughter, those 3 were also my best friends (most of my friends are cheerleaders).

"ughhh thanks for that I hate spi- AAAAAAAAH!!" Lucy looked like she was going to faint "damn girl any louder?!" he hissed under his breath rubbing his ear, but she payed no attention to this comment.

"you're JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs "language miss Warburton" Mr chessington warned sternly. She just blushed and apologized. After the shenanigans were over, an amused Justin sauntered his way back to his seat.

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