"So I'm going to go get out all the food," John announced as they got into the rather large house that Sherlock and John now had (space for all their to come grandchildren they had said when buying it). "Molly, how about you come help me with that? Maybe you too, Ollie. Sherlock, show Martin and Max to their room. Hamish... just do whatever. It's your birthday." Even in his old age John was still the one in charge. He always would be.

"Follow me," Sherlock was already half way up the stairs when he spoke. Martin and Max were quick to climb up after him.

"I see papa is still as bossy as always."

"Yes," Sherlock made a face. "I had hoped the knitting would have helped that. It has only made it worse. Getting the attention of all those ladies at his knitting group has made his opinion of himself increase."

"I still can't believe he took up knitting."

"Me too, truthfully," Sherlock smiled at his son. "It was just an attempt to get him doing something. Anyway, here's your room." He opened the door and indicated for Max and Martin to go in. Both dumped their suitcases next to the double bed. "You're next door to Hamish and Ollie and reasonably close to Molly. John and I are on the bottom floor. Just in case we get worse physically as we age."

"Okay," Martin nodded.

"Pretty nice place," Max commented from where he had wandered over to the window.

"Yes, it is," Sherlock moved to look out of the window. "Big change from London but great."

Sherlock left Martin and Max to get ready, which didn't take them too long. When they were done they headed down and into the dining room, where food had all been laid out. Martin took a seat next to his brother with Max sitting next to him. The people who ate food normally were spread about those who tended not to. Probably a good way to do it. Before eating Max quickly took a pill along with a drink of water before proceeding to pile food onto Martin's plate.

"You didn't have any breakfast because you were saving yourself for this meal, remember?" Max spoke before Martin could even get a word in. Martin nodded slightly before beginning to eat. The conversation over food varied widely, moving from gruesome murders (a conversation that Martin, Max, John and Ollie would have really rather not heard) to music (something that Hamish, John and Ollie couldn't really talk about) to beekeeping (which was just Sherlock talking a lot). Once food was all cleared up, with both John and Sherlock adamantly refusing to let Hamish or Martin clear up, they settled in the living room for presents. Hamish was pretty excited to hand over the one for Martin that was from him and Ollie. Martin eyed the package with envelope suspiciously, glancing up at his twin.

"This is normal, right? Not some kind of stupid thing which is why you're so excited."

"Of course not?" Hamish exclaimed, looking offended. "I am twenty three now, Martin, would I ever do such a thing?"

"Yes," Martin laughed lightly. He opened the envelope first, opening the card and ignoring the fact that it proclaimed that he was an old man. "Thanks, Hamish!" He handed over the concert ticket that Hamish had gotten him to Max to look at. There were two and they were for quite a well renowned European orchestra playing in the usher hall in Edinburgh, where Martin and Max now lived, in Summer.

"There were also tickets for them in Royal Albert Hall but I thought you would prefer closer to home."

"Yeah, that's great. I'm very suspicious about this parcel." Martin shook it a few times before just shrugging and carefully unwrapping it. He was quite bewildered by the small green scarf and matching small green wool hat and gloves.

"For the cold Scottish winter."

"Yeah, I got that, but they're a bit small..."

"Not for you! It's for the baby."

"What?!" Both Martin and Max exclaimed at the same time. Max recovered faster and continued. "How did you know? We're still discussing it... We haven't even applied or got a surrogate mother or anything."

"You can't hide anything from us," Hamish shrugged with a glance at Molly and Sherlock.

"But I haven't actually seen you when we were discussing it," Martin frowned.

"You'd be surprised how much three geniuses can work out from phone calls when they club together."

"Well... We were going to wait until everything was seen to and there was actually a baby in the way. But Max and I are planning to have a child. We're not sure when it's going to happen but it will."

"That is good news," John smiled at his son. "You will need to make sure to phone when everything is sorted out. And visit when the baby is born."

"Of course," Martin smiled.

"Well, you might as well have your present from us," Sherlock handed it over with a nod. Martin took the parcel, carefully unwrapping it. Inside were a few books of music, from different movies, along with a photo album. Martin opened it and flicked through a smile on his lips. There were pictures of him, and also Hamish in most of them, from when he had been a baby all the way to today. There were also some of his early drawings and a few school photos from when he had been boarding. At the end there was quite a lot of space for more photos. Undoubtedly left for the baby. Hamish also got a similar photograph with a photo album and a deerstalker hat, which he put on with a scowl after a bit of urging.

Martin and Max's present to Hamish was next. He laughed at the business card they had got him, with Hamish J. Watson-Holmes, Consulting Detective written on them along with his address and mobile number. The other was a book of pictures Martin had drawn over the years for Hamish but never actually given him, along with a few contributions from Max as well. Hamish commented that is seemed to be the year of albums. Ollie's present to Hamish was a pair of new ice skating boots. Hamish seemed quite shocked out how big a present and had quite surprisingly just kissed Ollie in thanks in front of them all. Max gave Martin got a few music things, including new reeds for his oboe and strings for his violin in case any snapped. He also got him a set of very good acrylic paints in quite a range. Molly was the last to hand over presents.

"I'm sorry, they're not the best... But you know I'm a skint student," she laughed as she handed them over. Martin and Hamish opened them at pretty much the same time, revealing that they had both been given a book. Martin's seemed to be about raising children and Hamish's was titled 'How to keep your man.' He was pretty bemused by that but Ollie was in peals of laughter.

"Thank you, Molly," Martin glanced over at Hamish with a slight smirk, quite glad that his wasn't so bad. "This will be useful when the baby comes along."

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