Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

"Martin, Max!" Catriona stood up to greet them, smile on her lips. She pulled both of them into a hug, causing Max to grin at her and Martin to grow a bit flustered, before sitting back down at the table she had chosen. She already had coffee and cake, having been there for a while. "How are you guys?"

"Good," Max replied as he looked through the menu, mostly at the drinks. He wasn't too hungry at the moment. "Bit hectic at the moment."

"Yeah, what with all the various musical activities we're doing and jobs we have," Martin added. "But it's fun."

"I'm glad," Catriona smiled. "I've been pretty busy myself. I've been playing in an orchestra at the theatre and also composing there. It's pretty busy because they're showing something almost every week." She shrugged. "But I wouldn't choose any other job."

A waiter came over to take Max and Martin's orders before Catriona could say anything. Max settled for just a coffee whereas Martin ordered tea and a scone. If he didn't order food Max wouldn't be happy with him. It wasn't good when Max wasn't happy.

"So, anything new with you guys?" Catriona continued after the waiter had gone. "I haven't properly talked to you in a while."

Max and Martin exchanged a glance, then Max nodded slightly.

"Well..." Martin bit his lip, unsure how to phrase everything. Max took his hand and squeezed it. They had decided that Martin would tell Catriona the news. After all she had been his friend first. "Max and I are planning on having a child."

"That's brilliant!" Catriona practically squealed, eyes lighting up. "When is the child due?"

"We don't know yet... We've gone through every step of the process but we're still looking for a surrogate mother. We were warned that it would take a while unless we knew someone who would be willing to do so." Which they didn't. Often siblings could be an option, but that wasn't happening. Molly was eighteen. And they weren't exactly going to ask friends.

"I might know someone who would be willing."

"Who?" Martin looked quite excited at that, smiling brightly.


"What? No, we can't do that, wouldn't be fair."

"You would rather it was someone you didn't know?"

"Well no but... What about your relationship? Would your girlfriend be okay with it? Also, your job? And everything. It wouldn't be fair on you."

"You mean well, Martin, but I can make a decision," she smiled. "I know what I'm getting myself into. And I want you to have a child and it would be nicer for it to be someone you know, yes? If you two would be okay with it."

"I guess so..." Martin murmured. Max nodded in agreement.

"Right, I just have a few conditions. First of all, you have to talk to Ellen. Meet her and stuff. It will affect her as well so you guys have to meet her. She has to approve."

"Seems reasonable," Max conceded.

"Second, I have to be the kid's godmother. No ifs, no buts. I am the loved godmother, maybe even called Auntie Cat."

Martin arched an eyebrow while Max just nodded with a grin.

"Third, I get some say in the naming. I have to approve the name. I mean I have faith in you guys, but just to make sure. And finally I want to be a part of the kid's life."

"All reasonable," Max smiled.

"Yeah," Martin agreed. "You sure about this, Catriona?"

"Certain. You guys just have to talk to my girlfriend. How about next Friday? You two come round for dinner, we eat, talk and maybe watch a movie."

"We're free."

"Great! This is all so exciting."

Martin and Max both rolled their eyes, pretty much in unison. Trust Catriona to get all excited. They hadn't expected her offer but it was pretty brilliant. She was a great friend.

Friday approached quite quickly, Martin's nervousness for the day just growing as it neared. Max managed to keep relatively calm, some of it rubbing off on Martin and preventing him from having some kind of mental breakdown. This also helped prevent him from having a panic attack on the actual day. Martin was bad enough with meeting new people, never mind when it was for something important. Max was helping him get over his anxiety, though. It would take a while.

"Hey, don't worry, she has to be nice if Catriona is with her," Max gave Martin's hand a comforting squeeze as he pressed the buzzer. They were soon let in, heading up the stairs to the third floor. Catriona stood in the door, smile on her lips.

"Martin, Max!" She greeted them both with a hug, looking pretty happy. "Please, come in. The food just arrived, so good timing. I hope you're okay with an Indian take away?"

"Sounds great," Max smiled as he followed Catriona into the flat, Martin right behind him. "We're not exactly fussy about what we eat." He shot a glance and smile at Martin. Martin nodded, biting his lip as they entered the living room. Food was laid out on a coffee table in front of the television and there was one sofa and two armchairs. Quite a casual dinner, then, not even at the table. Martin found himself glad of this. Maybe it would make him feel a little less nervous.

"Just help yourself," Catriona spoke as she opened up the tubs of food. "Grab a plate and stuff. Ellen was just grabbing drinks."

Max was still putting food on his plate, while Martin had all he wanted, when another woman entered the room. Ellen, presumably. She was quite tall. Not quite as tall as Martin but she didn't appear to be that far off his height. Her blond hair was long, the opposite of Catriona's messy pixie cut, and her brown eyes were friendly and welcoming.

"So, you're the Watson-Adamses?" She smiled at them as she spoke, placing a few cans of coca cola along with bottles of beer on the table. "Nice to finally meet you. Catriona talks about the two of you quite a lot." She shot her girlfriend a withering look. Catriona just shrugged with a smirk. 

"That's us," Max smiled, standing to shake Ellen's hand. "I'm Max, this is Martin." Martin gave a slight smile, eyes fixed on Max.

"So you're planning on having a child, then?" Ellen spoke as she got food, before sitting in one of the armchairs to watch Max and Martin where they sat on the sofa. Well, she was definitely blunt what with getting right to the point and all.

"Yes," Max began, taking Martin's hand in his. "Yes, we're quite young to be having our first child. But... it was what we want and they will be giving the best home, and loving and supportive dads not to mention other family."

"We'll do everything for them," Martin murmured, blue eyes fixed on the wall behind Ellen.

"Hmm..." Ellen looked thoughtful, head tilted. Catriona was perched on the arm of her chair, watching her expectantly. "Good. So, I also have a few requests. First of all, we must be involved in the child's life. Both of us. Aunt Catriona and Aunt Ellen. Also, I want you to visit through the nine months. Catriona gets grumpy enough sometimes." Catriona rolled her eyes at that comment. "Anyway, I need to get to know you all better. Even if you move away from Edinburgh you still have to visit. We'll be like family."

"Really annoying family," Catriona added with a smirk.

"Oh, and if you're having anymore feel free to come to us."

Martin blushed slightly, Max just laughing lightly. Well Ellen certainly didn't need any convincing. Seemed Catriona had talked about them in quite a positive way. Max found himself liking Ellen. He could see why Catriona was with her.

But it seemed like that was it settled. Martin and Max were going to have a child.

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