Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sherlock was growing rather impatient as he sat beside John on plastic chairs outside the classroom where Hamish and Martin learned the majority of their lessons. The boys were back at home being watched by Mrs Hudson. Both were under strict orders to behave or the next time they would either go to Aunt Molly’s or Uncle Mycroft’s rather than staying at 221b. Three year old Molly was staying with Aunt Molly and Benny for a sleepover, since it was a Friday and Aunt Molly had a day off. This sleepover had been instigated by Benny who kept pestering his mother with the question of when Molly would be staying over next.

“They are running ten minutes late,” Sherlock scowled, colourful eyes shooting a cutting edge at the door. John was sure that if it was animate it would be cowering in fear.

“Sherlock, parent’s evenings always run late,” John sighed, shaking his head. “I thought you would know this by now. And be nice this time. Don’t get annoyed when something ever so slightly bad is said about one of our sons. Neither is perfect.” Sherlock’s glare turned to John, who just ignored it. That infamous glare no longer affected him.

After a few more minutes the door opened and a man and woman walked out, talking proudly of their daughter. Sherlock gave a slight roll of his eyes as he followed John into the room. The two sat opposite the teacher who was flicking through her various notes on the children.

“Ah, Hello Dr Watson, Mr Holmes,” Mrs Smith smiled at them. “Who would you like me to begin with?” Sherlock and John glanced at each other, only taking a few moments before coming to the same conclusion. It was almost like they were reading each other’s minds. They weren’t, of course, that was a completely idiotic idea. Telepathy was just not possible. Sherlock and John just understood each other on a really deep level.

“Hamish,” Sherlock replied calmly, cool gaze cutting into Mrs Smith’s.

“As you wish,” Mrs Smith nodded, flicking through her notes. “Well... Hamish is an exceptional boy. I am sure that you know that. He is currently working at a level two years about his age along with another boy in the class, Mortimer Moran. The two are very friendly. Hamish is very good at Maths, English, Spelling and also what science we do. He takes great joy in these though has a tendency to get bored after a while and occasional disrupt the class due to this.” Sherlock’s mouth was a thin line. John put his hand over the dark haired man’s as an almost warning. The teacher’s points were valid.

“He seems to struggling in topics such as music, art and drama. These are not all that important, though. He is very good at most writing but struggles with that of a creative nature. He says it is pointless and will only grudgingly do it. There are also certain genres of books he will refuse to read even if they are the ones he must. He seems to retain no knowledge regarding most history and also the solar system.”

John let a light smirk cross his lips. “Very much like Sherlock, then.” He earned a glare from his partner.

“But overall I am rather pleased with Hamish,” Mrs Smith smiled. “He excels in all the subjects he enjoys and would do so in the others if he put his mind to it. He does have some problems when it comes to interacting with the other pupils but he has a fast friend in Mortimer. He has a very bright future, though I’m sure you’ve been told this before.”

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