Not that he was scared of her, he just didn't want her ear piercing flirty voice ringing in his ears, so he decided to avoid her at all cost.

He couldn't blame her though. He was an amazing specimen. He was from the UAE and had all the things to make women fall for him in a second. He wasn't bragging. He was stating facts. But fortunately he didn't find that very interestingly fun to do like the other guys.

He walked by the side of the hallway with his grey hoodie over his head. And out of nowhere a random person bumps into him.

At that moment, he was genuinely about to give the person a piece of his mind when he realized it was a girl particularly the only hijabi in the school.

She didn't socialize a lot. . .maybe even at all so Tawfiq didn't really know her but who could miss the only hijabi in school.

Tawfiq helped her pick up her books and pens which he honestly couldn't count by himself. He had no idea what she used all of them for anyways.

She finally raised her head and looked straight into his eyes like she was in a trance.

Tawfiq didn't mind because he used that as a chance to analyze her face.

Her lips for one looked amazing. It wasn't very plump and fake like some other girls who couldn't get enough Botox in there but it was simple and for a moment he just wanted to. . .no, he didn't want to do anything.

Tawfiq continued to look at her lips for a long time as she stared into his eyes looking at God knows what.

After a whole lot of minutes and seconds passed by, it was like someone just slapped her and she snapped out from her staring faze.

Without so much as a word, she snatched the books and pens from Tawfiq's hands also without any form of gratitude.

Not that he wanted to hear her voice or something but saying thank you wouldn't hurt anyone. At least that's what he told himself.

She got up and walked away without looking back.
Wow, that girl was weird. One minute she is staring at him like he was some sort of precious object and next thing you know she is walking away quickly from him like he was the plague.

Tawfiq looked at her while she walked into the French class.

Well, well, look at that, He had French right now too with Mrs. Petit.
He had switched most of his classes to fit into his schedule for training.
Formerly, he was in Mr. Anderssen's French class.

He was going to his locker to get his books when he bumped into her.
Well Karma was a mean bitch and they couldn't do anything about it.

Tawfiq smirked and chuckled as he continued to walk to his locker. He opened it up and took the books he needed out. Then out of nowhere it was slammed shut by Dean, his supposedly best friend almost brother.

Dean was the one who told Lacey he was around when Tawfiq told him to say the opposite.

Tawfiq give him a death glare and he gave his own sad eyes.

"Get out of my face, Dean." Tawfiq muttered.

"I was only playing around T, you know that."

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