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WAKING UP IN A hotel room in Cologne, Germany, in the middle of the day, was not what Lauren had in mind at all. The strawberry blonde found herself rolling over onto her back, the sun suddenly shining in her eyes from the large window beside the bed. It was a balcony actually, meaning the window was actually a large glass door.

Her eyes fluttered shut as they adjusted to the harsh light, before they opened again. A yawn escaped her lips, then she stretched her arms over her head. Tiredly, she crawled out of the bed, and went to investigate why the window was open.

Outside, she found Shawn lying on one of the chairs wrapped in a blanket, looking out at the view of the town. What the blonde didn't realise, was the fact that he had fallen asleep there the night before hand after their argument in Australia.

After the argument in the pool, Shawn found himself talking with Daniel. After that, he made his way into Lauren's room. That was where he found Andrew and Lauren asleep on the couch, and he took the blonde back to bed. He even restrung her guitar while she was sleeping.

The brunette didn't get much sleep that night, nor on the plane flight to Germany. His mind was so preoccupied that it wouldn't let him rest. He and Lauren hadn't spoken since their argument, and Shawn was feeling so guilty for upsetting Lauren.

"Shawn?" She mumbled.

She walked over to him, finding that he wasn't even conscious. He was fast asleep in the chair. A small smile tugged at her lips at the sight. She climbed onto his lap, and snuggled into his chest, looking out at the view before her.

Shawn stirred awake from the sudden weight on his body, finding Lauren curled up against him, shaking slightly. He smiled, wrapping the blanket around her petite body tightly to keep her warm. Lauren's eyes flickered up to Shawn when she felt movement, and found the brunette staring down at her.

"Hi," he greeted.

"I'm sorry," she frowned, fiddling with her fingers.

Shawn let out a small sigh, leaving a lingering kiss on Lauren's forehead. "It's okay. Listen, about what I said. I shouldn't have said it at all. You didn't need that burden put on your shoulders, and I'm really, really, sorry for everything I said. I didn't want to upset you. I hate seeing you upset."

Lauren's eyes averted up to the brunette's, where she noticed him staring down at her already. She sent him a small grin, nodding her head again. Lauren adjusted her body against his, and then Shawn wrapped his arms around her tighter to make the blanket keep her warm.

"I'm so tired," Lauren mumbled, closing her eyes.

Shawn just rested his chin on her head gently, overlooking the view of the city of Cologne. Lauren let her eyes wander for a few minutes, until a phone started ringing back in their room, causing her to groan in annoyance.

"Just leave it. It's probably Andrew. He'll text me in a minute," Shawn explained.

"He'll want us to do something, and I really don't wanna do anything but sleep until tomorrow. What time did we arrive here?"

"About 10 in the morning I think. But it took a while for us to get to the hotel, and then they had problems with our booking. Someone went and deleted it or something, so they wouldn't let us in the hotel rooms. We could book the hotel room we already booked before hand because someone else was staying in it. When they finally let us in, it was about lunch time. You weren't very happy that you couldn't sleep either," Shawn chuckled.

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