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HER EYES STAYED LOCKED on the figure that was - somehow - her older brother. Her heartbeat was racing. Her palms were sweating. Her body was frozen. She felt numb. It didn't feel right. Nothing in that moment felt right. Not at all.

"Aidan?" She whispered, realisation coming over her.

The blonde smiled at her. "Hi baby sis."

Lauren's eyes were pooling with tears. She quickly embraced herself in his arms, squeezing him tightly. Aidan let out a small chuckle at her strength, kissing her forehead like he always used to.

Shawn stood to the side, watching the scene unfold quietly. His hands were in his pocket, while a smile was gracing his lips. His eyes flickered over Lauren, as the blonde looked up at her older brother.

"Where have you been? I thought you were dead!" Lauren exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.

Aidan shook his head. "No, I wasn't. It's confusing. I know, but I'll tell you, mum and dad the story."

Lauren nodded her head quickly, wrapping her arms around her older brother. Aidan smiled, hugging his sister back tightly. When they pulled away, they both turned to Shawn in unison.

"Hi Shawn," Aidan greeted, smiling.

"Hi Aidan," Shawn replied, smiling back.

Aidan turned back to Lauren. "So, tell me. What have I missed out on in the past 4 years?"

Lauren then started explaining every little detail about the past four years. Starting with the year he supposedly died, and then onwards. There were so many stories that we shared, and a few of them made the trio laugh really hard.

She explained her years at school. Her years at home. Everything that happened online; everything with Jack; how she became "famous"; her high school years. She even told him her experience and everything that had happened with Shawn and the band whilst on tour.

However, she left out the part about Athena and Zeus, wanting that to be a surprise. Ever since Lauren was born, Aidan would always say how he wanted more siblings like her. Talented; gorgeous; funny; easy to get along with; loves all of her hobbies; likes to make more hobbies. He'd just always wanted them, no matter what gender.

By the time Lauren had explained all of that, she was out of breath. Shawn was walking beside Aidan, while Lauren was hanging from his back like she was hours prior to. Aidan looked up at her with a smile.

"And you now live in New York?" Aidan asked.

Lauren grinned. "Yes and no. Well, really, Shawn kicked me off the tour back in early May I think it was, until we were supposed to tour in the United States in July. So, I bought an apartment here in New York, and I've been living there since."

Aidan nodded his head. "Right. And where do you live Shawn?"

Shawn turned to him. "Me? I live in Toronto with my parents and my younger sister, Aaliyah."

Aidan nodded. "How old are you exactly?"

"I'm 17. I'll be 18 in early August."

Aidan turned to Lauren with a grin. She sent him a confused glance, then everything came back. She sent him a glare, but he only laughed.

"Aidan, no. Don't you dare. I know exactly what you're thinking. Don't," Lauren warned.

Aidan just laughed in amusement. "Lauren was born in August too."

Lauren just shook her head in disappointment. Aidan just laughed, while Shawn was confused as to why Lauren didn't want to tell him her birthday.

"Why do I even bother?" Lauren questioned aloud.

"Because you love him!" Someone random shouted.

The three of them let out laughs at the random and sudden reply. Lauren's stomach suddenly started growling because she hadn't eaten anything today, and then Shawn's did too.

"Hey BB. Can we get something to eat? I'm starved," Lauren mentioned.

Aidan nodded. "Yeah, of course. What do you want to eat?"

Lauren shrugged, before turning her face around Shawn's body to just catch his eye. It was like that time when they were on tour. Lauren had done the exact same thing when they were in the hotel room.

"Hey fatty, what do you want to eat?"

Shawn chuckled. "I feel like junk food to be honest. And you're the one to talk thunder thighs?"

Aidan glanced at the two of them. Lauren was blushing madly, while Shawn was sending her a shit eating grin. There was more to these two than what they led on.

"Oh hush. You love my thighs, Mendes," Lauren retorted.

This time, it was Shawn turn to blush. "Yeah, back when we were together."

Aidan's eyebrows raised in surprise. Lauren hadn't mentioned that the both of them were together at some stage since they met.

"Technically were weren't together. We were just friends with benefits. But that's not going to happen anymore."

"I know Lauren. Don't have to keep reminding me," Shawn sighed.

Ever since the two of the made up at the mall, Lauren kept bringing up the fact that they were never going to be together. At first, it was just a joke, but then it kept getting brought up in conversations, and it was annoying Shawn.

He knew he was the type of guy who couldn't get the girl. He just couldn't. Lauren felt the same way, but she said it'd be better if they just stayed as friends. The drama that could occur if they were together, would be a lot worse than it was now. Even though they were friends. She didn't want a relationship that complicated. Their friendship was complicated enough.

"I never knew that you guys had a thing. I saw it coming, but I didn't know you had one," Aidan spoke up.

Lauren turned to her brother. She was about to speak, and explain, but Shawn had bet her to it.

"We were, but we weren't. We had a fling of some sorts, until we argued, made up, and argued again. After that, we then decided that it'd be the best for us both if we just stayed as friends. We argued too much for our own good, and it was wasn't healthy. We didn't want to bring that into our relationship."

Aidan nodded. "Understandable. I could never keep many friends let alone a girlfriend."

Shawn smiled slightly. "Now I know where Lauren gets it from," He teased.

Both Lauren and Aidan chuckled. "Sort of. It kind of runs in the family," Aidan explained.

They turned a corner, finding a fast food place. It was fish and chips. Lauren smiled in excitement. She loved fish and chips.

"Can we get fish and chips? Please, please, please?!" She begged, bouncing around on Shawn's back.

The boys both laughed at her childish like behaviour. Aidan agreed, and Shawn did too. Lauren grinned in success, the three of them walking into the store. Aidan took a seat with Shawn, while Lauren went up to order after climbing off Shawn's back.

"She really likes you, you know. I can see it in her eyes," Aidan mentioned.

Shawn's cheeks flushed red. He couldn't get over the fact that Lauren liked him. Him. Of all people. He was just lucky to have her. Friend or girlfriend, it didn't matter to him. As long as she stuck by his side no matter what. She didn't want Lauren to wound up like Caitlin had.

[EDITED AS OF: 21.1.18]

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