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SPENDING TWO DAYS WITH the people she adored most was the most incredible idea she ever came up with. Stories of the past were shared; memories were made; smiles were contagious; and the laughter was loud. Lauren had found herself grinning, and laughing more times than she had ever after her brother passed away.

The blonde found herself listening to a story that Andrew was sharing about Shawn whilst he was touring in 2015. It was about when Shawn had been singing Stitches in a venue somewhere, Lauren couldn't remember, and he was halfway through a line, and tripped down the stage, having his sentence stop halfway through a word, before he continued singing after the trip.

The thing that made the boys roar with laughter was the fact that they arena went silent, and one girl yelled out, "AND NOW THAT I'M WITHOUT YOUR PLATFORM, I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES! TRIPPING OVER MYSELF, BEGGING YOU TO COME HELP!" And the whole venue burst into laughter, while Shawn continued to sing with the biggest grin on his face.

Lauren fell off her couch from laughing so hard, while the boys were roaring with laughter. Geoff was close to falling off the couch also, however Shawn was sitting there chuckling with flushed cheeks. It went viral all over the internet, and Shawn could never get rid of it.

"T-THAT'S H-H-HILARIOUS!" Lauren spat out between laughter, almost choking.

The boys laughter finally subdued, and more stories were being shared. It was about four in the afternoon, and the hangovers were finally gone. Now, they were just enjoying their time together.

It was time for Lauren to share a story, however, she couldn't even think of one. Not until she noticed her guitar resting against the wall close by, and a story flooded back to her.

Lauren let out a small chuckle. "So, this was when I was about ten years old. I had been given a pet turtle for Christmas the year before, and I called him Squirtle the turtle. Anyway, one day, I somehow broke his fish tank, and the water flooded my bedroom. I asked my brother, Aidan, to help me clean up the shards of class and stuff, and he had been using his guitar at the time. He walked in to see what was going on, and I went to walk over to him, and I must of stood on Squirtle, and slid straight over to my brother," Lauren let out a laugh.

"My head hit his guitar on the large impact, and broke straight through the back of it. My head had completely smashed his guitar, and I had indentations of his guitar strings on my forehead. My doctor had came into the room, and we realised that it was my brothers older friend. He was a guitarist from the band my brother was in. Anyway, he asked what had happened, and I told him. He died of laughter, because he thought I was into death metal, and accidentally smashed my head through the guitar."

The boys snorted and chuckled, thinking it wasn't funny, until they realised Mike was laughing in the corner, crying because he was laughing so hard. They all died of laughter, noticing how red his face was because he was trying to hold it in.

"H-How- H-How did y-you slip o-over Squirtle the t-turtle? A-And smash y-your head into h-his guitar?" Mike roared with laughter.

The boys broke down into more laughter, and it didn't stop for a straight ten minutes. Once they settled down, they were all crying. Even Shawn and Andrew. Lauren let out a chuckle at the boys, when the door bell rang.

Everyone's attention turned to the door, while Lauren furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Rising from her seat, she made her way over to the door to open it. There, she found a delivery guy with a large parcel on a trolley.

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