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SHE FOUND HERSELF LAYING in her bed, instead of on the couch where she had fallen asleep. When the blonde's eyes fluttered open the next morning, she was extremely confused as to how she got to her bed. She knew that she didn't sleep walk, and she knew the guys were out cold. So how did she get there?

Climbing out of bed, the blonde decided on showering, seeing as she hadn't since the last time Shawn was here. After showering and changing into comfortable clothes, she jogged down the stairs, confused as to where Stubbles was.

Looking in the kitchen, it was empty. Looking on the balcony, it was empty. She overheard a conversation going on in the lounge room, between voices she couldn't recognise from where she was. She moved closer, and listened on the conversation.

"You hurt her. You can't expect her to be accepting your apology this early. It only happened yesterday!" Josiah's voice said.

"I know! I know. I can't just go back to Toronto, knowing I never got to apologise to her properly. Just let me apologise to her, and then I'll leave," that familiar voice said.

Lauren's heartbeat increased at the sound of his voice. The hairs on her arms stood up at all the thoughts that crossed her brain. While butterflies were fluttering in her stomach.

"She's not even awake yet, Shawn," Mike said, crossing his arms over his chest. "When she wakes up. You apologise, then you're gone."

She noticed Shawn nod, then sit down on the couch. It was silent afterwards. Mike and Josiah sat on the couch across from the brunette, glaring at him from where they sat. It made Lauren smile. They were like protective older brothers.

"Hey guys," Lauren said, catching the attention of the three guys.

Shawn's head snapped up to the blonde, and he rose from his seat almost immediately. Josiah and Mike smiled up at her.

"Hey Laur," Josiah greeted.

"Morning sleepy head. How'd you sleep?" Mike asked.

"Good, fortunately. Except, I can't seem to figure out how I got to my bed, when I know I fell asleep on the couch last night," Lauren explained.

Shawn noticed the confused expression on her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips plump, with her head tilted to the side. She looked like a puppy. God, she was so fucking gorgeous to him.

"I moved you," Shawn spoke up.

Lauren's attention moved to the brunette. "Oh," she mumbled.

Shawn suddenly lost all his confidence, and his hands were shaking because of his nerves. Lauren noticed him shaking, and he quickly stuck his hands in his pockets to stop the nerves.

"I - uh - I'm going to go," Shawn stuttered, taking about two steps towards the door, before Lauren's voice stopped him.

"You can stay," she said.

Both Josiah and Mike gaped at her in surprise, while Shawn just glanced down at his feet. Lauren crossed her arms over her chest, watching Shawn with furrowed eyebrows.

"On one condition."

Shawn looked up at her, and he nodded his head quickly.

"You don't lie to me, ever. Because seriously, Shawn. You've lied to me more times than I can count, and I really can't deal with that. You say that you can't deal with my stress from lack of sleep, but really, I'm more stressed out about the fact that you keep lying to me, and you don't even care. You just think an apology is going to fix everything. But it's not. It still hurts. I've been lied to several times in my life, but never, would I expect most of those times to be because of you. It needs to stop, or I'm quitting the tour. I'll pack up my shit and leave, because I'm capable of that. You know that. Andrew knows that. The band knows that. And I know that people on this tour would be very disappointed if I did. Now, the real question. No lies, nothing but the truth. Why did you lie?"

Somehow, throughout all of that, Lauren had managed to stay completely calm. It surprised the hell out of both Josiah and Mike. It was intimidating to Shawn, because he had never seen her that calm in a situation like this.

Shawn started fidgeting on the spot. "I lied because of the media. They were making up rumours - as usual - about you. They kept saying that you were just one of my flings, that you were just a one night stand that I wouldn't let go, and so many more things that were even worse. So, Camila and I decided to pretend to become an item to stop the rumours about you. I know it sounds lame and made up, but it's not. I swear. I was only protecting you."

Lauren just nodded her head. "Okay, I believe you. I appreciate you sticking up for me Shawn, I really do. But you don't need to lie to me to protect me."

Shawn nodded his head in an understanding. "I'm sorry."

"So you should be, you giraffe ass," Lauren laughed.

Shawn smiled at her cheekily, and it made the boys chuckle. Lauren held her arms open, a grin gracing her lips.

"Come here," She said.

Shawn walked over, and embraced the blonde. They just held each other for a few minutes in silence, until Lauren let out a giggle when he lifted her off the ground slightly, and it made Shawn chuckle. He moved away from her in order to look at the blonde in front of him. Her gorgeous blue eyes staring up into his hazel ones.

Shawn let his hand trail over her cheek, until he made it to her nose. He bopped her on the nose, making her giggle. She leaned forward, and pressed her lips against his cheek gently. Shawn wrapped his arms around her waist from behind when she turned to the boys on the couch, resting his chin on her right shoulder.

"Where's Stubbles?" Lauren asked.

"He's here," Mike said, holding the kitten up.

"My baby!" Lauren exclaimed, rushing over to the kitten.

She pressed the kitten to her chest, grinning down at him. Shawn was pouting at her from where he stood, and when the blonde looked up, she giggled upon seeing his expression.

"What about me?"

"You're my baby too," Lauren grinned.

"No, I'm your daddy," Shawn smirked.

"Not in front of the child, Shawn!" Lauren scolded, sending him a glare.

The boys burst into laughter at the conversation, just as the door opened. Everyone's attention turned to the door, finding Scott Harris standing there. Lauren placed Stubbles down, squealing out at the sight of the other band member.

"SCOTTY!" She yelled, lunging herself into his arms.

"I wish she got that excited when she saw me," Shawn mumbled to Stubbles, who just meowed from his place on his arm.

[EDITED AS OF: 21.1.18]

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