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ARRIVING IN NEW YORK after the flight was tiring. Shawn was so exhausted, even though he slept most of the flight. He decided on booking a hotel to stay in so he could nap, before he went to Island Records to speak with Andrew. He had organised it on the phone as soon as arrived in New York, and Andrew had agreed after telling him to get some sleep.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, he made his way to his room. He collapsed on the bed instantly, and was out like a light. The flight had worn him out, and he slept the whole time. How was that possible?

A pair of blue eyes stared back at him as he lay quietly in his hotel room bed beside her. A small smile tugged at his lips as she trailed her soft fingertips upon the skin on his chest.

They lay next to one another on their sides, one arm under the pillows that their head was rested upon. The only thing covering their naked bodies was the thin sheet. Meanwhile, the sun shone through the window of the hotel room, and onto the end of the bed.

The brunette leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers gently, disregarding the fact that neither of them had brushed their teeth yet. It was early in the morning, and the sun had only just started rising minutes prior.

The blonde smiled at the feeling of his lips pressed against her's, not hesitating to kiss him back gently. The brunette pulled away from her lips, tugging at her body to pull it closer to him.

He wrapped his arm around her body tightly, securing him in his grip. She smiled at the contact, resting her head against his chest as he rested his chin upon her head.

"No matter what happens. If we've argued, we're not talking; we've somehow drifted apart; or we haven't spoken in months because we've been busy with our lives; I promise to always be there for you. No matter what. I'm only a call away, okay?" he explained.

The blonde pulls away slightly to look up at him. She grins as she nods her head, kissing his cheek gently. She then placed her head back where it was seconds prior, closing her eyes in order to get some rest for the big day ahead.

Shawn awoke suddenly from the loud banging on the door, and the voice shouting out his name. Shawn let out a groan, realising he had fallen asleep where he collapsed on the bed hours prior. He pushed himself off the bed, walking over to the door which he opened, revealing Andrew standing there.

"Morning sleeping beauties," Andrew said.

The two teenager looked up upon hearing the voice. By the doorway, they noticed Andrew standing there with a coffee in his hand. The two of them jumped slightly at the sight of him, pulling the sheet up higher over their naked bodies.

"Andrew? What the hell are you doing here?" Shawn questioned, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

"You were supposed to meet me at Island about an hour ago, so I rang up the taxi services to find who drove you and the location they drove you. Then I asked the hotel receptionist for your room."

"You could've just rang, instead of showing up!" Shawn exclaimed.

Andrew let out a laugh. "Because I was interrupting something so important," He made emphasise on the last words.

"Yeah, you were. My sleep," Shawn grumbled.

The brunette took a seat on his bed, while Andrew stood by the door towards the bathroom, which was directly in front of Shawn. Andrew let out a sigh.

"I know you heard about what happened. What do you think I should do?" Shawn asked.

"It's better if you tell your fans the truth," Andrew replied.

Shawn nodded. "Then I will."

"Then that's settled. Have you spoken to Lauren about what happened?"

"No. I came straight here. She wasn't even home at the time anyway. I'll speak with her after I tell my fans."

"Alright. You deal with that, and I'll deal with the press."

Shawn nodded his head. Andrew left the hotel room, and Shawn decided on having a shower to freshen himself. He stripped down after turning the shower on, and climbed in. He let the water run down his back, soothing his body and mind. He thought about what he was going to say, and the got out and got dressed.

He grabbed his phone, and laid back on the bed. He tweeted out to his fans, telling them he was going live on Instagram to tell them the truth about what happened.

"Hey guys!" He waved. "I know you all have speculations about what happened between Caitlin and I last year. But I'm here to tell you the truth. Caitlin, if you're watching, I'm sorry for everything that happened. As you know, Caitlin and I had been dating for quite some time, months before you guys had found out. I do admit to getting Caitlin pregnant, however, I hadn't found out until a few weeks before we broke up. She kept it from me because she was scared about what I'd think, and her parents somehow found out, but she had a miscarriage. She lost the baby, not long after telling me. It wasn't long until her parents forced her to leave the tour, and to pack her bags. Her parents filed for a restraining order against me, and I haven't seen her since. You guys can think whatever you want about me, but know that it was a complete accident, and I haven't changed as a person. I'm still the same Shawn I was back in Magcon, but just a little different. I love you guys so much, and I hope you understand."

Shawn then ended the video, letting out a sigh. He was finally able to get that off his chest, and he was finally able to tell his fans the truth. It felt good.

[EDITED AS OF: 21.1.18]

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