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NEW YORK AT THIS time was absolutely beautiful. Lauren was loving it. It was two weeks into May, and she was loving it. The blonde had gotten sick of trying to find hotels to book, so she decided on finding a nice apartment to buy. It only took her a week, but she found one that she liked in Brooklyn.

It was called the clock tower penthouse, and Lauren fell in love with it at first sight. The blonde booked an appointment to go look at it, and she bought it straight away. This place was amazing. And the view? The view was breathtakingly incredible.

Once the paperwork was signed, the blonde made her way around to get a feel for the place. It was in order to know where everything was so she wouldn't get lost all the time. The apartment was really nice, and she was really happy with her choice.

The blonde carried her bag and guitars up to the bedroom floor, where she got some of her clothes packed away in the drawer. When she was finished, she went to take a look from the balcony. And needless to say, she did take a few photos to send to her dad. As soon as she did, she found her phone ringing with his I.D on the screen within minutes.

"Hello?" Lauren laughed, taking a seat on the balcony.

"Where the hell are you? That view is incredibly insane!" Daniel replied.

Lauren chuckled. "I'm in my new apartment, dad."

"Your what?! - New apartment?! When were you going to tell me you bought an apartment in New York?!"

"I am now! I just finalised the paperwork like an hour ago!"

"Right. Right. So are you on break from the tour? How was London?"

Before the tour started, Andrew had given Daniel all the details of the tour. It included the list of dates, cities and the venues the shows were going to be performed at. It was to keep Daniel on track to where his daughter was in the world.

Lauren then let out a small sigh. She hadn't told him what happened between her and Shawn. She was sure that Daniel wasn't going to look at Shawn the same afterwards. He adored that kid, a lot.

"Dad, I uh. I have to tell you something. And if I'm honest, you're probably not going to be very happy with the information. But promise you won't interrupt me."


"So, first things first. Shawn and I slept-"

"YOU WHAT?!" Daniel shouted.


"Sorry, continue."

"-with one another, and we talked for a day after that. Until the show in Cologne, Germany. A little girl in the meet and greet wanted to meet me, so Andrew let her. She was then saying how she loved me and my YouTube channel and stuff. And then she said that I was better than Shawn. I figured she meant that I was better at playing the guitar. But anyway, after that, we didn't speak. He promised to speak to me the next morning, but he didn't. I waited. It was a week later, and we still hadn't spoken.

"We were back in Germany, and after the concert, I went up to Shawn to ask him why he was ignoring me. He said that he wasn't. He then said that I was a good guitarist, but I was too lazy, and that the boys couldn't deal with my stress on top of their own. And that they really didn't need me until they were touring in the United States. So I said that I was sorry for not getting enough sleep because we're always on planes, doing shows, doing sound check etc. And that I was sorry for not knowing how to create a schedule for myself to be able to get enough sleep because I'd never travelled before. Then I said that I was sorry for not reaching the expectations he had for Caitlin, and that he needs to get over it.

"Then he had the nerve to bring Aidan into it, telling me to forget about him. So I punched him in the face," Daniel let out a chuckle.

"Then I said not to compare Aidan to Caitlin, and that her parents put a restraining order on him so he wouldn't be allowed within 100 feet of her anyway. Then I said that Aidan was six feet in the ground, but he wouldn't know that, because he's got his perfect little family over in Toronto. Then I said that "incase you haven't noticed, but not every body is a royal as you Mendes, so get over it".

"I then walked out, and the boys followed me. They kept asking what was wrong so I told them. And then Shawn popped up with his guitars. I then grabbed the guitar he bought for me, and slid it across the ground towards him. I then said, and I quote, ""You can keep that too. I don't fucking want it anymore. I'm really going to be praying for the next girl's feelings that you hurt. Cause you damn well did a good job of screwing mine, and myself, literally. You're an asshole, and I really, really, really hate you. I've done nothing but be nice to you, and this is the way I get treated? I'm getting kicked off the tour like some stray dog in the street? I really hope you're happy with your decision Shawn. I hope some girl fucks you over while you're on top of the fucking music world and you hurt as bad as I am", and then I left. I've been in New York since. Shawn hasn't even bothered to contact me, which isn't surprising."

Daniel let out a small laugh. "You really are a psychotic bitch."

"Dad!" Lauren laughed.

"What? It's the truth," Daniel chuckled. "You two have had more arguments in two and a half months than the amount of bloody times I've had to cook in a year."

Lauren chuckled slightly, suddenly going quiet. Daniel noticed, and he decided on asking about the guitar. He didn't know that Shawn bought her a guitar.

"So, Shawn bought you a guitar?" Daniel asked.

Lauren smiled slightly. "Yeah, he did."

"What'd it look like?"

"It was that Maton guitar that I've always wanted, but they never had any in Mildura. He even got my name laser engraved into the body of it. I didn't even know he bought it for me."

"Too bad for him. He has to reminisce all the memories you guys had because he still has the guitar," Daniel joked.

Lauren let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, I guess."

Daniel let out a sigh. "You like him, don't you?"

Tears pooled in her eyes, and she let out a small sob. "I really thought what we had was going to work, but it didn't. It never does. Dad, why can't I keep relationships together? Why don't boys just beg on their knees to be with me like every other girl?"

"Because those girls are all rich snobs who are attention seeking whores, and they play with guys like fire."

"I really hope they get burnt, because you can't tame fire with fire."

[EDITED AS OF: 20.1.18]

PERFECT [SHAWN MENDES] [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz