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SO MUCH EXCITEMENT COURSED through the veins of the Christmas spirited children across the globe that morning. Children racing down the stairs or down the corridor of their houses to reach the Christmas tree, anticipating what Santa Claus had given them for Christmas.

Those who were not as excited still awoke early that morning, still preparing for the long day ahead of them of opening presents, long conversations, family feasts, and reuniting with family from many parts of the world or the other side of the country.

Lauren was not one of those people however, as she was stuck in the city that never sleeps. No family within close range as they all lived back in Australia. She was alone. Except for Alec of course, who was actually awake early that morning.

She'd made her way downstairs to start making herself a coffee, when she saw that Alec was already awake. He was swaying his hips around the kitchen with his headphones in, preparing breakfast for the both of them.

It made her heart stop for a few seconds. Memories of Shawn flooding back, back to one of the days where she found him in the same situation, dancing around the kitchen as he prepared breakfast. But in that memory, Shawn grinned upon seeing her, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. In this one, it didn't happen that way.

Instead, Alec jumped in fright at the sight of the blonde standing there with her arms crossed, an amused smile upon her lips. The reaction caused an amused laugh to escape Lauren's lips as she quickly walked over to him after he bumped into the kitchen counter.

"Son of a cock loving whore," Alec cursed.

Lauren giggled. "Are you okay?"

"Just damn peachy," Alec grumbled.

Lauren let out another laugh. "Merry Christmas."

Alec sent Lauren a glare. "Real funny Lauren."

Lauren just kept giggling to herself. She lifted his shirt slightly to see if there was a bruise forming, and much to Alex's dismay, a bruise had formed on his side quite quickly. Lauren gently caressed it with the tip of her finger, and Alec let out a hiss, slapping her hand away.

"Ouch! Don't touch it," Alec whined.

Lauren just rolled her eyes. "Stop overreacting," She said, letting his shirt drop.

Alec just glared at her playfully. "Fine, you're not getting any pancakes then."

Lauren pouted. "That's unfair."

Alec just shrugged his shoulders like it didn't affect him. Lauren pouted even further, crossing her arms like a little kid. Alec just ignored it, finishing off the pancakes he was preparing.

Alec looked over at Lauren, noticing the expression upon her face. He let out a laugh, not being able to contain his straight face. Lauren then let out a laugh, and soon, they were both giggling at one another.

Alec picked up the plate of pancakes, and went to carry them to the table, but several claws tugged at his pants. Looking down, the two teenagers found Stubbles clawing at Alec's pants, meowing at him.

Lauren let out a laugh. "Oh yeah. I forgot. Stubbles likes pancakes too."

Alec looked at her in bewilderment. "He what?"

Lauren chuckled. "Would you like me to spell it out for you?"

"No no, I got it. But your cat likes pancakes?"

"Adores them," Lauren replied bluntly.

Alec just chuckled, and continued walking over to the table. He placed the plate of pancakes onto the table, where there was already plates and all the toppings set up. Lauren let a grin take over her face.

"You did all this for me?" Lauren questioned.

Alec nodded. "I know you're upset about not being able to spend time with Shawn and now, you're stuck with me when you didn't need to be. I guess it's just a thank you and a little something to remind you that I'm always going to be here, just like Shawn will be."

If it was possible, Lauren's grinned widened even further. Alec noticed the way her whole face lit up at what he'd said, and he definitely understood why Shawn had fallen for her. She wasn't even drop dead gorgeous, but her smile was the spark that lit up a whole city in the dark.

"God, I love having friends," Lauren blurted.

The blonde wrapped her arms around the brunette tightly. Alec hugged her back before they both sat down at the table to eat their breakfast.

There are people who don't understand why people don't wake up excited on Christmas Day, but everybody has a story behind those closed doors. Shawn awoke that morning like it was just a regular morning. No excitement coursing through veins like every Christmas before hand.

It sucked. Spending Christmas was one of the only things he was looking forward to, but something had to come in between and ruin it. It always seemed to happen with Lauren. Something always got in the way.

The brunette made his way down the stairs to find everyone making their way into the lounge room. They all greeted one another with hugs and "merry Christmas", before they sat down. Everyone's eyes flickered to Shawn at least once when he walked in and took a seat quietly, but didn't question why he was so upset. Daniel told everyone what had happened.

The presents were all shared around, but the kids had the pleasure on opening theirs first. The look on their faces when they saw what they had got made everyone in the room laugh.

Shawn had a little smile after he received his presents, but it wasn't enough to uplift his mood. He thanked everyone for the presents he got, before he took them up to his bedroom. The brunette had showered and changed into something comfortable to wear for the rest of the day.

When everyone had left the lounge room, and started organising everything for that day Shawn went back to sit in front of the Christmas tree. He looked down at the group of presents that were left for one particular person. They were for Lauren.

He let out a sigh, at the same time Lauren, who had been sitting in front of her Christmas tree, had. She was sitting there silently, staring at the few presents that were for Shawn. They just wished they were together for Christmas. Spending time with one another, like any bestfriends would. They both sighed in unison, as the same sentence escaped their lips.

"Merry Christmas bestie."

Can we all take a moment to appreciate somethings?

In My Blood is freaking amazing.
Calum Scott and James TW are my husbands 😭😍.


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