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HER BRIGHT BLUE EYES watched Shawn as he was interviewed by a local radio station. His smile wide as he answered the questions without any hesitation. Shawn looked over at the blonde sitting on a couch in the room, and he sent her a small wink, before he laughed at whatever the interviewer said. He was happy, and that made her happy.

She couldn't help but admire the brunette from where she sat. She just keep eyeing him as the interview went on. She was so deep in her thoughts, that she didn't notice the interview was finished, nor did she hear Shawn's voice speaking to her.

"Laur," His voice appeared.

Lauren's eyes adjusted from the day dream she was in, and she found Shawn kneeling in front of her. Shawn's expression held concern, as she hadn't responded to the few times he spoke to her. She sent him a small smile.

"Sorry, I was day dreaming," She said.

Shawn chuckled. "I noticed."

Lauren smiled gently at him, rising from where she had taken a seat on the couch in the room. Shawn rose to his feet also, and they made their way to the exit. Once they walked out, they made their way to Shawn's Jeep.

Shawn opened the passenger side door for her, and she thanked him as she climb in. The door closed after her, and Shawn made his way around to the drivers side. He climbed in and closed the door, and then started the car.

"Where are you taking me?" Lauren questioned.

Shawn sent her a grin from his place in the drivers seat. He didn't reply to her though, as the location he was taking her was a surprise. Lauren huffed in her seat when she realised he wasn't going to tell her where they were going.

"You'll find out soon, Laur. Just relax," Shawn chuckled.

Lauren frowned at him. "I hate surprises."

Shawn glanced over at the blonde sitting beside him. His eyes noticed the frown and the pout, and he shook his head at her. He had to force himself to look away.

"That's not going to work Laur," Shawn said.

Lauren huffed again, looking down at his long legs. Her mouth almost drooled at the sight of the thigh muscle under those clad jeans. She let out a small whimper, pretending to be upset. She let her hand run over his thigh, gripping it tightly like he had done a few months earlier.

"Lauren, cut it out," Shawn snapped.

Lauren scoffed, removing her hand from his thigh. Her eyes flickered to the endless road ahead of them. The brunette parked the car, climbing out after telling her he'd be back soon.  Lauren watched as he walked around the corner, coming back with a plastic bag a few minutes later. Shawn placed the food in the back, and climbed back into the car. She had no idea where they were going, until they turned down a familiar street.

"We're going to Central Park?" Lauren asked.

Shawn nodded. "We're having a late lunch there."

Lauren grinned at him as he parked the car. The two of them climbed out, as Shawn grabbed the bag of food and large blanket out of the back of his Jeep. Lauren held onto his arm as they made their way into Central Park, trying to find somewhere to sit.

They found a tree to sit under. Shawn spread out the blanket, before the two of them sat down under the tree. Shawn placed the bag of food down, opening it up, as Lauren looked out at the park.

"A souvlaki for you," Shawn said.

Lauren turned, noticing the souvlaki wrapped in foil. She grinned at him, gently taking it from him. It was hot, meaning it had just been freshly made.

"Thank you," She said.

"You're welcome."

Shawn then pulled out his burger and placed it beside him. He then pulled out another bag, which was a couple of dollars worth of hot chips, and placed it in between Lauren and himself.

"What's this?" Lauren asked, noticing the bag.

"Hot chips," Shawn smiled.

He watched as her eyes widened, glowing with happiness. As soon as Shawn unwrapped the chips, the blonde was already munching on a handful. It made him laugh, as he unwrapped his fresh burger.

"This souvlaki is amazing," Lauren moaned, halfway through a mouthful.

Shawn snorted at the expression she made. It was like one of those mid orgasm expressions. His cheeks flushed at the memories of him and Lauren having sex earlier that year, flushed into his mind.

Her nails scratched down his back, as he buried himself into her. Her mouth wide open as more moans of pleasure escaped her lips.

"Oh, Shawn," She moaned.

Shawn shook his head, ridding of the memories. Lauren noticed, but she didn't question what he was thinking about. She munched away on a few chips, letting her eyes flicker over to Shawn once more.

"Thank you, for the food," She spoke up.

Shawn looked over. "You're welcome."

They spent quite some time in the park, speaking about memories from their past. Shawn got to know a little more about Lauren, and Lauren got to know a little more about Shawn. When the food was done, they threw it back into the bag, and then laid back under the tree.

Lauren looked up at the buildings that she could see from where she was laying. A small smile tugging at her lips when a hand intertwined with hers, realising it was Shawn's.

Lauren turned to look at him. "You just can't keep away huh?" She asked.

"I'm sorry that your hand is so tempting to be held," Shawn replied.

"And I'm not sorry that your hair is so tempting to run my fingers through it."

Shawn let out a laugh. "I figured you wouldn't be. Who doesn't love to run their fingers through my hair while we make love?"

Lauren smacked his arm playfully, laughing at his comment. Shawn let out a chuckle, bringing their intertwined hands together to press a kiss to hers. Lauren flushed red at the gesture, which made Shawn smile.

"Come on. I wanna take you somewhere else," Shawn said.

He rose from the blanket, making Lauren stand up too. The two of them made their way back to the car after picking up the blanket and their rubbish.

"How many more places are you going to take me?" Lauren questioned.

The two of them crossed the road, making their way to Shawn's Jeep which was on the other side. Shawn turned to the blonde after they climbed into the car and closed the doors.

"That's a surprise," Shawn grinned.

"Shawn! You know I hate surprises!"

"You'll love this one. I promise."

"Baby, please no promises," Lauren sang.

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Oh, for Lucifer's sake! This is an exception, Lauren!" Shawn joked, letting out a laugh.

[EDITED AS OF: 22.1.18]

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