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THE PLANE FINALLY LANDED in Toronto, which made Lauren overly excited. She was going to visit Shawn's family, seeing as she hadn't seen them for a while. After all, they did say that she was welcome anytime. Why not come visit while she was over in the states, and doing absolutely nothing?

The trio didn't know that Lauren was visiting, but she knew that they would be over the moon when she showed up. Well, at least she hoped they would be. When she hoped off the plane, she found the exit immediately, with the struggle of her crutches. Also didn't have the struggle of having to grab any luggage because she was only staying for the day.

She hailed a cab, and she was on her way to the Mendes residence. Her eyes fell onto the sky scrapers and the busy traffic as they made their way through the city, towards Pickering.

A large grin tugged at her lips when the cab stopped out the front of the Mendes' house. She thanked the driver and paid him, before climbing out of the cab. The front door opened upon the figures inside hearing someone pull up, and a pair of eyes widened as Lauren walked up the driveway.

"LAUREN!" Manuel shouted. "My favourite daughter!"

The older figure ran over to her, embracing the blonde into a tight hug. Lauren let out a chuckle, hugging Manuel back just as tight. Manuel kissed her forehead before pulling away.

"Hi, how are you? How was the flight?" Manuel asked.

"Hi Manuel. I'm good, and the flight was fine. Where are the ladies?" Lauren replied.

She stepped into the house, with the help of her crutches. Manuel was following behind her as they made their way through the house.

"They're currently cooking lunch in the kitchen. Karen's mother is here. Shawn is apparently coming to stay for a few days too so,"

Lauren nodded, completely ignoring the comment about Shawn. "Ah, the British side of the family. Have I ever told you how much I love British people? Like, their accents are freaking amazing. I want a British accent so badly," Lauren rambled as she made her way into the kitchen.

The three pairs of eyes snapped over to the sound of another voice in the house, and the sound of crutches on the ground. Aaliyah and Karen dropped the utensils they were using, and rushed over to hug the blonde tightly as soon as their eyes locked onto her.

"Hi!" Karen exclaimed, embracing Lauren.

"Heyo," Lauren replied.

She hugged her back, after giving Manuel her crutches to hold so she could. Karen pulled away, and Lauren then held her arms out for Aaliyah. The brunette grinned, crushing Lauren into a tight hug, that made her let out a laugh.

"Hey Aaliyah," Lauren greeted.

"Hi Laur."

When the embrace was broken, Lauren turned to smile at the short lady standing by the kitchen counter. A smile was returned, and Karen grinned. Manuel handed Lauren her crutches back, which she thanked him for.

"Mum, this is Lauren. Lauren is Shawn's back up guitarist for his world tour," Karen explained.

"G'Day!" Lauren greeted, walking over to Karen's mother as the group chuckled at Lauren.

"Hello love," the lady replied, smiling at her.

"So, I smell food. What's cooking in here? I'm starved," Lauren said, jumping into one of the kitchen counter chairs.

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