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THE VIEW OF TORONTO from the the plane was absolutely breathtaking. Lauren had an obsession with amazing views from the window of the plane. The blonde raced out of the plane as quickly as the other passengers would let her, unlocking her phone to snap a few pictures of the sunset.

Smiling in content, the blonde turned on her heel and made her way into the airport behind the last of the passengers. Shawn waited by the gate for her, and when she reached him, the two of them walked to baggage claim.

After locating all their luggage, they stacked it onto a trolley, and made their way out of the airport. Shawn had told his parents just a few hours before they left that he'd be coming home for a few days, and that he'd be arriving the next night.

To say they were excited was an understatement. His mother almost squealed, whilst his father was grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. They hadn't seen their son in months, and they were definitely excited to see him.

"SHAWN!" a familiar British voice shouted.

The brunette's eyes flickered around the area he stood in outside of the airport. His hands were still gripping onto the trolley handle, but not for long. Lauren watched as Shawn's eyes locked onto his mother, who he quickly jogged over to embrace, causing a smile to tug at Lauren's lips.

"Hi mum," Shawn chuckled, embraced in his mother's hug.

"My boy. How are you?" Karen asked.

"I'm good ma."

"Good, good."

It was then, when Karen's eyes flickered over to the strawberry blonde standing by the trolley that was holding all their luggage. A small smile tugged at her lips as she glanced over the teen. She was gorgeous. With her strawberry blonde hair cascading down her back, bright blue eyes flickering from one thing to another, red lips curved into a small smile, and a small petite, but athletic body covered in a pair of Nike leggings, her Nike sneakers, a old motocross t-shirt, and a denim jacket.

"And who is this?" Karen asked.

Shawn turned around, realising that Lauren was standing alone by the trolley. Shawn's eyes flickered back to his mother, where he noticed a smile tug at her lips. His brown irises widened when he knew what was going to happen.

"Mum - Mum - don't you dare! Mu-" Shawn was cut off.

Karen made her way over to the strawberry blonde, a smile tugging at her lips. Lauren heard the footsteps approaching her, causing her blue irises to flicker over to the figure making their way towards her. A smile tugged at her lips when Lauren realised it was Shawn's mother.

"Hi," Lauren greeted, offering a smile.

"You must be the Lauren I've heard so much about," Karen replied, smiling. "I'm Karen."

Lauren's eyes adverted to the brunette standing beside Karen. When they made eye contact, Shawn looked away with flushing cheeks, causing Lauren to let out a chuckle.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, have you been talking about me to your mother?" Lauren asked, crossing her arms over her chest in a imitating gesture.

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