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LAUREN SPENT THE DAY in the shed with her father, fixing a few motorbikes that needed repairs. Shawn even stayed, helping out wherever he could. Daniel let the teen borrow an shirt and jeans so he wouldn't get his clothes dirty. The two Adams' then taught Shawn a few things about motorbikes, and what they were actually doing to it.

Two thirty in the afternoon rolled around quickly, meaning Lauren's siblings needed to be picked up in an hour. The three of them went showered and changed, and were on their way to pick them up.

The local radio was playing in the car, whilst Lauren sang along to whatever song came on. It amazed Shawn. He'd never seen someone who knew the lyrics to every song that played on the radio before. Lauren was always surprising him one way or another.

Shawn was in the back seat behind Lauren, who was in the drivers, with Daniel in the passengers seat. Lauren, being sixteen, was able to drive around on her learners with a fully licensed driver in the passengers seat.

They were driving down tenth street, and they pulled into a little side street that was full of cars. There were two houses on the right side, one on the left, before it was was empty. It was filled with parked cars; the right had a gymnasium, and in front was a funny shaped building with a basketball court to the right of it.

Lauren pulled up into one of the car parks, killing the engine. She tossed the keys to her father, who got out of the car to swap seats with her. Lauren turned to face Shawn, who was in the backseat.

"Just stay here, and please don't draw any attention to yourself, okay?" Lauren asked.

"How could I not? I am a celebrity, Lauren," Shawn joked.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Just leave the windows up, and ignore whoever walks by or knocks on the window okay?"

Shawn nodded. "Okay."

"I'll be back in about 10 minutes."

Lauren then took off, making her way through the busy car park to the back entrance of the school ground. Daniel climbed into the drivers seat of the car, and then let Shawn sit in the passengers seat, knowing Lauren wouldn't care. The blonde made her way through the empty area; past the toilet block; over to the classrooms behind the library.

There, she spotted one of her little siblings standing outside of the classroom, packing his bag up again. A smile tugged at her lips when he turned around at the sound of the floorboards creaking under Lauren's feet. Zeus spotted Lauren, and squealed happily at the sight of his older sister.


Zeus launched himself into Lauren's arms, who was laughing. The strawberry blonde span the brunette around in circles happily, until Athena walked out of the classroom, and also spotted Lauren.

"SISSY!" Athena shouted.

Athena ran over to Lauren, embracing her older sister in a hug. Lauren smiled, kissing them both on the head, before rising to her feet again.

"Come on. I've got someone I want you to meet," Lauren mentioned, holding one of their hands in each hand.

"Ooh. Who is it Laur?" Zeus asked, looking up at his sister with his big hazel eyes.

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