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THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF Sydney, as Lauren loved to call it, the Opera city. In all the time she'd spent living in Australia, she'd always wanted to visit Sydney but never had the chance to do so. But now she does.

The blonde had been reading up articles and watching interviews about Shawn, just to keep up to date with everything. She found an article about Shawn's tour dates, and his next concert, which happened to be in Sydney itself. He'd be there for two shows instead of one, as he had never visited Australia for his tour before.

She had the day before and the day of his first show off, meaning she could do whatever she pleased in that time. The first thing she thought of was going to surprise Shawn in Sydney for his first show. It'd been a while since she'd actually spoken to him, as he didn't keep his promise of keeping in touch with her.

Not only did she miss spending time with the brunette and the band, she'd say that watching them perform was what she missed the most. It'd been weeks. The blonde swore that she'd try to see the band live at least one more time in the next year of her being a model.

Her knees bent and her back pressed against the uncomfortable material of the aeroplane seat upon sitting down. She let out a small sigh, placing her MacBook on the small pull out table from the chair in front of her. She plugged her headphones into her phone, and leant her head against against the chair, closing her eyes.

Within seconds, she was falling asleep to the sound of Imagine Dragons in her ear. The blonde awoke from the loud beat of a drum that linked in sync with the sound of the aeroplane wheels squealing as they hit the ground of the runway.

As her brain registered what was going on, she jumped in excitement at the realisation that she had landed in Sydney. She looked out the window of the plane, excitement overtaking her self as her eyes locked on the Sydney airport. God, was she ready? Hell yeah she was.

Once allowed, the blonde climbed out of the aeroplane after collecting her MacBook. She looked around the runway in awe, grinning widely from ear to ear. It was beautiful out here.

"First visit?" Someone asked.

Lauren's eyes locked on the cute guy who was sitting down the aisle from her. He was a light brunette, with piercing green eyes, a strong athletic build. Damn, was he cute? Hell yeah he was.

"Yes, actually. Is it really that obvious that I've never been here before?" Lauren questioned.

"Little bit, but you're fine. You'll blend in with the rest of the crowd."

The light brunette pointed to the rest of the passengers, who were always looking around in awe at the airport. Although it was just an airport, it was a stunning one at that. It was irresistible to look at.

"I guess I'll hang out with that crew then, shall I?" Lauren chuckled.

"You shall," the man joked back.

The two of them chuckled to themselves as they finally reached the airport gates. The brunette held the door open for the blonde, for which she smiled and thanked him for as she walked past and inside.

"I'm Alexander Brian, by the way. But you can call me Alec, for short." The brunette introduced.

Lauren smiled. "I'm Lauren Adams, by the way. But you can call me Lauren, for short." She mimicked.

Alec let out a small laugh at her mimicking abilities. It was spot on. "That was incredible. Do you mimic people a lot?"

Lauren shook her head. "No, only sometimes. I used to do it with my friend all the time, he hated it. But I don't anymore."

"Oh, did he pass away or?" Alec asked hesitantly.

Lauren let out a chuckle, dismissing what he said. "No, no. No, uh, he's actually famous. I toured with him and his band, but I got offered to be a model. Hence why I'm back in Australia again. I'm actually here to surprise him though."

"Famous? Ooh, big league hey?" He joked.

Lauren let out a laugh, bending down to pick up her suitcase. After they had walked inside the airport, the two of them found themselves walking and talking as they made their way to baggage claim.

"Who is he? I might know him."

"Shawn Peter freaking Raul Mendes is who."

The brunette let out a laugh. "Ah yes, the Mendes. That's cute though. My best friend actually lives in New York. She comes down every once in a while to visit. She's great. She's also friends with Shawn actually," Alec said.

"Ooh. What's her name? I might know her."

"Hallie Armstrong."

Lauren's eyes bulged out of her eye sockets. She stopped in her tracks, causing Alec to stop quickly. His eyebrows furrowed upon seeing the blonde's surprised expression, but he chuckled anyway.

"Hallie? No way! She's my best friends other best friend."

Alec laughed. "That's crazy!"

Lauren chuckled. "It is. Hey, I've got to catch a cab to my hotel. I'll see you whenever I see you next?"

Alec laughed. "Don't be like that. Just ask Hallie for my number, I've got a meeting to get to. But, I'll see you around Lauren."

"You too Alec!"

The brunette then disappeared out of sight, in between the hundreds of bodies that were piled up in the airport. Lauren smiled to herself, making her way to where she saw a sign that said where the exit was located. She made a new friend, and that felt great.

She hadn't made friends since she met Hallie, which was not long after she met the band. It was nice to have a few friends that she could talk to and hang out with. The only other thing she had to do now, was to surprise her other best friend before he left for his hotel after the show.


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