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THE SECOND LAST MORNING of the time the guitarists were spending in Australia rolled around quickly. Both teens were still fast asleep in one another's arms, while the rest of the group were up and about in the house already.

Daniel was already up preparing coffees for the three adults that were awake, which was Diana, Andrew and himself. Andrew sat at the kitchen counter, conversing with Athena and Zeus about school, while Diana was in the shower.

Daniel stirred Andrew's coffee one last time, and then walked over and placed it in front of him. Andrew looked up and thanked him, before taking a sip. The father of the family, looked over to the microwave clock, revealing that it was 7:45am.

"That's odd. Lauren should be up by now," Daniel mentioned. "Didn't they say that they were going to the gym this morning?"

Andrew glanced up at Daniel after Zeus and Athena went to grab their bags from the bedrooms, and noticed the time. He furrowed his eyebrows, and nodded at the father. He then realised that Shawn should've been up by now too.

"Yeah, they did actually. That is odd. Shawn should be up by now too," Andrew replied.

Both Daniel and Andrew glanced at one another. As if they were communicating telepathically, the both of them let a smirk tug at their lips, as they bolted out of the house. They sprinted towards Lauren's room, stopping at the door, and opening it quietly.

Passing the desk, the both of them found the two guitarists still in dream land. Daniel shook his head in amusement, while Andrew was chuckling. That wasn't the first time he'd caught them sleeping with one another. The last time that had happened, Lauren fell out of the bed.

That then reminded Andrew of the occurring dream that Lauren kept having, mentioning someone named Aidan. He needed to speak with Daniel and Diana about that, because he was worried at the strawberry blonde. And what could possibly occur if those dreams continued.

Andrew walked over quietly, nudging Shawn on the arm gently a few times. Shawn mumbled in his sleep, stirring slightly, but not awakening. It had stirred Lauren too, and she mumbled in her sleep also. Daniel held his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing, just incase he did.

Andrew then noticed the bed Shawn was supposed to be sleeping in, and the pillow that was all on its own. He picked it up, and showed it to Daniel. Daniel nodded with a small quiet laugh, knowing exactly what Andrew was going to do.

"Shawn. It's time to wake up. Shawn!" Andrew exclaimed, whacking him over the head with the pillow.

Shawn jumped in fright when Andrew smacked him over the head, sending Lauren's sleeping body into the wall behind her. Her head hit the wall with a loud bang, and it awoke her in a flash. She let out a groan, while Shawn was still in shock at what had hit him. Literally.

Both Andrew and Daniel were hunched over in laughter, but, Lauren's groan of pain caught Shawn's attention immediately. The brunette quickly looked to her, noticing the strawberry blonde holding her head in pain. He then noticed the small dent in the wall behind her.

"Shit. Lauren, are you okay?" Shawn asked.

The blonde looked up. "You could say that I started my morning with a bang," She joked.

Shawn let out a laugh, which made Lauren chuckle. Daniel and Andrew were now on the floor in tears, even more so when Lauren had spoken. Shawn pulled her into his arms, hugging her. She gladly accepted, despite the small pain in her forehead.

"Seriously though, are you okay?" Shawn asked.

He brought his finger up under her chin, lifting it to make her look at him. She nodded with a small smile, blushing slightly when Shawn's hand caressed the side of her face. He sent her a sweet smile that melted her insides completely.

"I'm okay. Nothing some painkillers can't fix," Lauren replied.

Shawn nodded his head, until they both heard loud sighs coming from somewhere in the room. Shawn and Lauren looked over, finding Daniel and Andrew laying on the floor. Both of their faces red from laughing so much.

Lauren let out a small chuckle, while Shawn shook his head in amusement. The two adults rose from where they were laying, and took a seat on the spare bed that was set up for Shawn.

"So, is this becoming a habit? History's repeating?" Andrew asked.

The expression on Daniel's face wasn't one to laugh at, particularly in that moment. He wasn't happy upon hearing the news about the fact that Shawn had slept with Lauren several times. It was awfully quick, but Shawn found himself being pinned against the wall by Daniel.

"Dad!" Lauren exclaimed.

"You've been sleeping with my daughter without consent?" Daniel growled. "Who in gods name gave you-"

"-Dad!" Lauren interrupted.

"Lauren, be quiet," Daniel snapped, still looking Shawn dead in the eyes.

"Who in gods name gave you the permission to sleep with my daughter? On more than one occasion, might I add. Huh? Who?"

Shawn looked like a deer caught in headlights. He was scared. It was very obvious. His eyes were wide; his body was stiff; he couldn't move. He didn't know what to do.

"N-Nobody. I h-haven't been s-sleeping with L-Lauren," Shawn stuttered, gulping.

Lauren noticed the look on Shawn's face. He was absolutely terrified. She knew he'd never been in a situation like this, and she knew that he had no idea what to do. Her dad was quite scary when he was angry, and Lauren knew that he could scare anybody. Anybody. Including people like Shawn, who were taller than him.

Shawn kept looking to Lauren for help, begging her with his eyes to make it stop. He wasn't comfortable in this situation, especially with the father of the girl he had feelings for. He needed help to get out. He was petrified.

"Dad, stop. You're scaring him," Lauren protested.

"Good. He needs to learn his lesson. Nobody sleeps with my daughter without permission. Especially, when she is in a committed relationship."

"He didn't sleep with me, okay? And Jack and I aren't together anymore!" Lauren said, rising from the bed.

Daniel turned to his daughter. "What?"

"He cheated on me with Tegan!" Lauren blurted, suddenly covering her mouth afterwards.

Shawn let out a small sigh when Daniel let his grip loosen on him slightly. Daniel's eyes flickered over to his daughter, who kept avoiding eye contact.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"Jack cheated on me, okay? When I was at the airport before flying to New York, he rang me, and told me. He explained how his feelings for me had faded, and that he fell for Tegan, and they kissed just a few days before hand. He said he was sorry, that he didn't mean to hurt me. They've been together since."

Daniel went quiet. His grip on Shawn disappeared, and Shawn breathed out thankfully. After all the assumptions that the blonde would/was cheating on Lauren, it was finally true. He knew it'd happen sooner or later. But he then realised, that the only guy that was suitable enough to Daniel's expectations of Lauren's boyfriend, was standing in the room with them.

And he only just acknowledged it then. In that moment, the only guy reaching his expectations, was Shawn Mendes.

[EDITED AS OF: 18.1.18]

PERFECT [SHAWN MENDES] [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora