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HIS PHONE WENT FLYING onto the bed in front of the Canadian. A frustrated growl escaped his lips. He was so annoyed. Why couldn't have Lauren kept quiet about everything? He had no idea what was going on with her, but she's changed quickly, and he wasn't sure if it were for the better or for worse.

Shawn started repacking his bags, clearly wanting out of where he currently was. The door of Lauren's bedroom opened, and in walked Daniel. The adult had found Shawn midst of packing his bags, which intrigued him into asking why so.

"Are you leaving early?" Daniel questioned.

He took a seat on the couch by the door, watching the teen. Shawn glanced up from the t-shirt he was folding, to Daniel sitting down.

"Yeah, I am. Lauren just said some stuff on Instagram that hurt, and I need some time to sort it out."

Daniel nodded his head. "Do you need a ticket?"

"Yeah, actually. I hadn't thought that far ahead," Shawn chuckled.

Daniel walked over to Lauren's computer, logging into it with ease. He pulled up the QANTAS website, finding the flight book in page and opened it. He filled in the details from what he knew about Shawn, and looked up.

"Hey, I filled in most of it. You can fill out the rest," Daniel said.

Shawn walked over with his suitcase. He placed it by the door, then took over the computer when Daniel had moved over. He filled in the location and his credit card details, before confirming it. His plane was leaving in just over an hour.

"I've got just over an hour," Shawn stated, shutting the Mac down.

Daniel nodded. "Do you want me to drive you?"

Shawn looked up, nodding. "Please," He said. "Are the twins home?"

Daniel nodded. "Yeah, they just got home. Lauren just went and picked them up with Aidan."

Shawn picked up his suitcase, and Daniel followed the teen out to the car. He put his suitcase in, before leaving the door slightly open. Daniel climbed into the drivers seat, while Shawn went inside to say goodbye.

"Zeus? Athena?" He called out.

"In the bedroom!" Athena shouted.

Shawn walked down the hall to the bedroom that they were sharing. They didn't seem to mind, they liked it. He found the two twins sitting on their beds, colouring in while they were still in their school clothes.

"Hey you," Shawn greeted, sitting on Athena's bed.

"Hey you," Athena grinned.

"I'm leaving in a little bit," Shawn said.

He figured it'd be best if he got straight to the point. He knew the two twins didn't want him to leave, they never did, but he had too. He needed to go back to New York to sort everything out with Andrew.

"Why?" Athena whined, climbing onto his knee.

"Some things happened between Lauren and I, and my boss and I need to figure some stuff out."

"Did you really make that girl look like a hippo?" Zeus blurted.

"Zeus!" Athena giggled, while Shawn chuckled at his choice of words.

"You mean pregnant?"

"You mean big like a hippo?" Zeus retorted.

Shawn just shook his head in amusement, ruffling the younger brunette's hair playfully. Zeus and Athena both looked up at Shawn with sad eyes, not wanting him to leave.

PERFECT [SHAWN MENDES] [1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant