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TODAY WAS THE DAY for the show in Nashville, meaning it was the seventh, the day before Shawn's eighteenth birthday. The crew had a plan to sing happy birthday to the brunette halfway during the set list, just to surprise him. It was Lauren's idea.

The sound check went smoothly, along with the meet and greet. Lauren had met a few more fans from the Mendes army, and even a few fans of her own. It was an incredible experience, to meet people who liked her for her guitar skills, not just because she was touring with Shawn.

Lauren laid on the stage, staring up at the ceiling as she day dreamed. In a few weeks time, they would be performing at Madison Square Garden, and she was excited to say the least. It'd always been a dream to perform there.

After the soundcheck and the meet and greet, everyone split off to do their own thing before the show started. Shawn had gone to hang out with the boys for a little bit, while Lauren had started playing the guitar. That was, until she got bored, and laid on the stage with her guitar by her side.

"Laur?" Shawn called out.

"On the stage!"

Shawn's footsteps echoed around the arena as he walked over to her. On the stage, he found the blonde laying down with her guitar now balancing on her stomach.

"How's the weather down there?" Shawn joked.

Lauren grinned up at him. "It's great thanks. Sunny, but there's a nice breeze," She joked back.

Shawn chuckled. "I'm going to grab some food. You wanna come?"

"When do I ever turn down the offer of food?" Lauren questioned.

The blonde pushed herself off the floor. She placed her guitar out of the way so nobody would trip on it, and then turned to Shawn. He just shook his head at her.

"Never," he admitted.

"Exactly. Now, where are we going?"

"I haven't decided yet. Where do you wanna go?"

"I'll eat anything, you know this."

"Except any foreign food. Mexican excluded."

Lauren let out a groan at what he brought up. "That Chinese food in Vancouver was horrible. Did I tell you that I threw up after the show? Can I make a hashtag and name it world tour regrets? Or S.M tour regrets two thousand and sixteen?"

Shawn let out a laugh at her statement. He just laughed as he pushed the door open of the arena for her, which she thanked him for on her way through it. The brunette caught up as Lauren continued walking.

"I was being serious."

"I know," Shawn grinned.

They continued walking, finding a McDonald's not far away from the arena. The two of them made their way over, and contemplated on what they were going to order. Once decided, Shawn went up to order - that was after the cashier started to fan-girl over him.

Lauren pulled her phone out of her pocket as it vibrated. She found a photo attachment from her dad and opened it, finding a funny meme about Shawn. She laughed, replying to it.

Shawn paid for the food, before taking a seat with Lauren at the table. Her phone dinged, alerting her of an email notification. Clicking on it, she found a random email from a modelling company. She clicked on it, and let her eyes skim over it.

PERFECT [SHAWN MENDES] [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें