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IT WAS FINALLY SATURDAY morning, which meant that it was pancake day. The Adams family had a tradition. Saturday they'd have pancakes and Sunday they'd have bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Today was a favourite of the family, due to the fact that pancakes was everybody's favourite food. Diana would be the one to cook the food for the family, but seeing as she wasn't here, there was nobody here to do so. Lauren would usually cook Sunday mornings, because Saturday was her day to sleep in.

Athena was up and about. Zeus, along with Lauren and Daniel were still fast asleep. Shawn however, was up and about too. It was around 9:30am when he woke up. He noticed Lauren was asleep so he left her alone. He made his way over to the house to see if anyone else was awake. Maybe even Daniel?

Shawn greeted Stark with a smile, sad that he wasn't able to touch the dog due to his allergies. However, that didn't stop Shawn from feeding him. The brunette noticed his bowl was empty, and there were cans of food beside his bowl, with a knife hanging on the wall. He opened a can and scrapped it into his bowl, which made Stark's tail wag happily as he ate.

Shawn then pushed the back door of the house open, careful to shut the door behind him quietly. The house was quiet, meaning that nobody was awake yet. Shawn let out a small sigh, deciding on making himself a cup of tea to wake himself up a little more.

The kettle let out an obnoxious screeching sound as it had finally finished boiling. Shawn grabbed the milk from the fridge quietly, and poured it into his cup, before screwing the cap back on and putting it in the fridge. He then stirred the tea, and placed his teaspoon into the sink.

"Shawn?" a small voice said.

Shawn turned around upon hearing the small voice, finding Athena standing in the kitchen as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. He smiled gently at her, placing his cup down on the kitchen counter.

"Yes hun?" Shawn replied.

"Can you help me have a shower? Daddy and Lauren are still sleeping, and mummy's not here," Athena pouted slightly at the thought of her mum.

Shawn smiled gently. "Of course hun."

Athena smiled tiredly at the teen. Shawn bent down and picked Athena up, letting her rest her head against his shoulder. The brunette made his way into the large bathroom, noticing the large bath across from him; the large shower to his right; the toilet next to that -which led to the laundry, and the sink beside the bath, and then the bench to right side of the room.

Shawn placed Athena down on the small bath step, reaching over to turn the water on for the bath. It was then when he realised how deep the bath was, and it gave him an idea.

He turned towards the youngest twin, noticing her petting Lauren's cat Bucky. The cat happily smooched Athena, which made her giggle in amusement at his attempt to rub his head against her hand. The sight made Shawn smile. That cat really loved attention, and kids.

"Hey Athena?" Shawn asked.

"Mmm?" Athena replied, looking up at Shawn.

"Do you have any swimmers that you could change into?"

Athena giggled. "You mean bathers?"

Shawn shook his hand in front of him like that what he had been talking about. "You understand what I meant," Shawn chuckled.

"I have bathers, why?" Athena questioned, her brows furrowing in confusion.

Shawn grinned. "'Cause I've got an idea that I think you'll like."

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