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SO MUCH WORRY OVER took her body at the thought of letting out the truth to her friends. She seriously had no ideas as to how she was going to explain it to everyone. She was lost. She didn't know what to do.

She had to think of a way to tell the band, and then Shawn. How was she going to lay it gently on him? Or even Andrew? How was she supposed to tell her manager, the man who got her this far, that she was leaving before the contract ended? How was she supposed to tell anyone. Even the fans?

Lauren let out a frustrated groan as she gripped at her hair, trying to come up with a solution. It was difficult. She'd never had to deal with anything like this before. She'd never had to make a choice like this before, and she was definitely sure that she didn't want to do it again. Ever, again.

"Okay, okay, you're going to tell the band, and then ask for advice on how to tell Shawn," Lauren muttered to herself.

She was in Baltimore, at the arena they were performing at during the late afternoon. It wasn't a night show, but Lauren didn't know why. She wasn't complaining. She hadn't performed during the day in a while, as almost every concert Shawn had was at night time.

The blonde walked out of the dressing room that Andrew has assigned for her. It was a decent sized room, with a small kitchen area and a couch. It was a cozy room, and Lauren wished to have more dressing rooms like this one in the last few weeks she'd be spending with the band.

She made her way down the long corridor, to where the band were sharing one of the largest dressing rooms in the arena. Loud chatter could be heard through the slightly ajar door, and it made her smile. She'd miss this when she was gone.

The blonde pushed the door open further, enough for her to walk in. She found the band spread out on two different couches that were across from each other, chatting and laughing away at something one of them said.

Mike's eyes locked with Lauren's, and she smiled at him nervously. One by one, the conversation stopped and all eyes were locked on the blonde. She smiled slightly, waving at the boys.

All of them noticed the change of the atmosphere as soon as Lauren walked into the room. It was no longer happy, but nervousness. Lauren felt the change, and she was suddenly burdened with the thought that it was her fault for the change in the atmosphere.

"Hey blondie, are you okay?" Mike asked.

Lauren shyly walked closer to the couch, her eyes locked on the ground as she shook her head in denial. The group were surprised upon seeing her so shy, as she was never shy around them. In the eight or so months they'd known her, this wasn't the character Lauren usually was. She was outgoing, loud, funny, but now, she was just shy, awkward and nervous. This wasn't her at all.

"No- uh. I-I have something-g I want to t-tell you a-all," She stuttered.

"Come here, and sit with us. Geoff can get off his ass and do something for once," Josiah said.

The photographer pushed Geoff off the couch from where he was sitting beside him, and the boys laughed upon Geoff stumbling over his feet slightly. The curly haired man glared at the photographer, but went and sat on Eddy's lap instead.

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