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AFTER SPENDING A HOURS touristing around Sydney and taking several photos, the blonde made her way back to the hotel to shower and change for the show that was due to happen in a few more hours.

It was currently four in the afternoon, meaning Lauren had three and a half hours to get ready. She trudged over to the elevator, which took her to the second floor where her hotel room was located.

She opened the hotel room door with her key card and pushed it open. She walked in tiredly, letting the door slam closed behind her, which made her jump in fright. She turned to look at the closed door.

"Damn door," She grumbled.

The blonde placed her bag down on the bed, taking a seat down onto it afterwards. She bent down to untie her sneakers, before she rose from her position to walk to the bathroom.

She had a relaxing shower, which woke up all her tired and sore muscles from all the walking around from the day she spent touristing. It was an incredible experience.

The blonde got out of the shower and dried herself off, before changing. Once changed, she went to do her hair, which she only lightly straightened as her hair was usually wavy, and sprayed on some perfume.

By the time she was finished getting ready, she had an hour to get to the arena where Shawn was performing. The blonde grabbed her bag, which she placed her keys, phone, purse, lanyard and her camera inside.

She made sure she had her key card, and made her way out of the hotel room. The blonde walked down the hall to the elevator that took her down to the lobby. She then hailed a taxi to take her to the arena.

When she arrived, her eyes widened at the lines that were exiting the arena. There were hundreds of fans waiting in line for the concert, and that made her smile so widely. A few fans noticed the taxi Lauren was in, pull up at the arena, and a lot of them started smiling at her.

"Lauren!" A group shouted.

"Hey guys!" She grinned back.

She walked over to the group that shouted out to her, and she waved at them slightly. It was a group of three brunette's and two blondes. Their eyes widened upon seeing the blonde walk over to them, and Lauren laughed at their star struck expressions.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Waiting for the security guards to open the doors," a blonde said.

"How long have you been waiting for?" Lauren questioned.

"It feels like hours, but we've only been here for about half an hour," a brunette said.

Lauren nodded her head. "That's what it was like waiting behind stage," Lauren chuckled.

"Why aren't you there now?" Another brunette asked.

"That information will be posted after the concert, but, could you do me a favour?"

They nodded. "Tell everyone lining up to be quiet about me being here. It's a surprise for Shawn. It'll all make sense soon, I promise."

"Like a chinese whispers kind of thing? Is that what you mean by telling people?" A blonde asked.

"Yes. Could you do that for me?"

The group of them nodded, and the whispers started spreading around the lines. Lauren smiled, and started making her way to the backstage doors. A guard looked up upon hearing her footsteps, and they smiled upon recognising the blonde.

"Hey Laur, good to see you again," he said.

"You too Luke," she grinned.

Luke opened the door for the blonde, and she thanked him on her way inside. She smiled upon seeing the hallways, missing the sight of being backstage. The blonde walked through, following the signs that would lead her to the stage, where she'd be surprising Shawn, and the band included.

The blonde found backstage toilets, where she hid until the show was supposed to start. Once it was time, Lauren exited the bathroom, walking around the backstage like a ninja trying not to get detected.

As she neared the stage, she could hear the chatter of the crowd awaiting Shawn to appear on the stage. Once he did, the crowd erupted into loud screams for a short few seconds, before the crowd went quiet again. The blonde avoided Andrew and any other backstage she could.

Shawn's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing the crowd go quiet so quickly. Their screams usually lasted a lot longer, but not today. Shawn adjusted the microphone slightly, leaning closer to it so he could speak.

"Why are you all so quiet?" Shawn questioned.

The crowd stayed silent, which was Lauren's cue to walk onto the stage. She walked up the stairs with a small smile.

"Oh, I don't know Mendes. Why wouldn't they be quiet?" Lauren questioned.

Shawn's attention was suddenly on the blonde, and his eyes widened at the sight of her. He quickly pulled his guitar off his shoulder and placed it on the ground, before sprinting over to Lauren.

The crowd let out loud "aw's" as Shawn crushed Lauren in a tight hug, one that almost knocked her over. Lauren giggled, hugging him back tightly as he swung her around a few times.

His heart swelled upon his nose inhaling her familiar scent, her Calvin Klein perfume that she insisted that must always wear when around her favourite people. Lauren's nose twitched at the familiar scent of Shawn, his cologne invading her nose. She breathed out happily, just enjoying his presence.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," Shawn mumbled.

"Same goes," Lauren replied.

Shawn pulled away from the blonde for a split second, before she was tackled into a hug by Mike. She laughed upon recognising who it was, smiling as she hugged him back tightly. Josiah then appeared with his camera, who had taken photos of the reunion from his place in front of the stage.

He then hugged the blonde tightly. Lauren smiled upon seeing all of her favourite boys in one arena again, on the stage like the good old days. When the reunion was finished, Lauren found herself standing in front row with a group of fans, watching her best friend perform  like she always had adored.

She definitely missed this feeling.


Sorry guys, I didn't realise that this chapter wasn't completed. Here is the completed version. Enjoy.

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