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A PAIR OF BLUE EYES snapped open early the next morning, after the sleeping form's conscious had realised she wasn't where she fell asleep. Sitting up in bed quickly, she relaxed slightly when she found herself in her hotel bed.

Her eyes flickered to her clothes, that weren't the clothes she had been wearing last night. She didn't remember changing, meaning someone had changed her. That made her worry. Especially about the fact that she had no idea as to how she got to her bed.

A loud sigh escaped a pair of lips that weren't hers from somewhere in the room. The blonde jumped slightly upon seeing Shawn tiredly stumble out of his room and into hers, wearing just a pair of boxers.

"Well. That's a nice sight to wake up too," Lauren spoke up, smiling.

Shawn jumped in fright - like she had seconds prior - at the sound of her voice, eyes flickering over to the blonde who sat upright in her bed. Lauren chuckled upon seeing him jump, which made him hum in response.

"Mmm. I would think so," Shawn mumbled, shuffling towards her bed.

Lauren lay back on the bed, pulling up the covers to her shoulders as she lay on her side. She wasn't expecting the brunette to climb into bed beside her, however, he did, and she was surprised that he did.

"I'm so tired," Shawn mumbled.

Lauren laughed. "You've just related to about half the worlds population of teenagers, and they don't even know."

Shawn just gave a small chuckle in response, and the room went quiet. Lauren lay quietly, admiring him from where he lay beside her. All the small features that defined his face. His cheeks; his lips; his nose; his eyes; his eyebrows; his ears, and even the small scar on his cheek. He was a good looking guy, there was no denying that.

Her phone binged, before vibrating repeatedly on the bedside table. Shawn let out a groan, covering his ears at the obnoxious noise. Lauren let out a sigh, leaning over to grab her phone. She answered it, putting it onto loud speaker but on a low volume, and placed it on the bed in front of her and Shawn as she got comfortable again.

"Ghostbusters, whattya want?" Lauren said, earning a snort from Shawn.

"Hi sweetie," greeted Daniel.

Lauren smiled lazily. "Oh, hey dad. What's up?"

Lauren noticed Shawn's eyes widened, and almost pop out of his head when he registered what she had said. She let out a laugh, quickly reaching for him as he tried to escape from the bed. Pulling him back down, reassuring the brunette that her dad wouldn't care that he was with her. After all, his dad did sign onto this anyway. You'd think he'd expect something like this.

"You tell me, Lauren-Lee," Daniel responded.

The tone of his voice alerted the teen that he wasn't very happy with something. But obviously, it was Lauren's fault somehow. In what way; she had no idea. She just didn't exactly know what he was talking about, and frankly, she really didn't want to find out.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked, genuinely confused.

"Don't play dumb. Your mother told me about what you said, Lauren."

"And?" retorted Lauren.

"Don't use that tone on me child. Don't be disrespectful to your mother. She's doing everything she can to help support you, and the twins."

Shawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He thought he had heard Daniel wrong when he said "twins". But it was probably because he was so disorientated because he was still tired. However, it was confirmed that he wasn't hearing anything out of context when Lauren spoke up again.

"Everything she can to support myself and the twins? More like absolutely nothing. She's done absolutely nothing dad. She's barely spoken to me or the twins since you've been gone. I've been looking after them like they were my own children, whilst "mum" has been disappearing all the time. Yet, you both yell at me for being a 'bitch', or because I'm 'disrespectful', and 'lazy' even. Maybe you should look at your 'perfect' wife every once in a while, and compare us to see who's worse."

Ever since her brother had passed away, her mother took everything out on her. She blamed her daughter for what happened to her son, and Lauren didn't understand why Diana hated her so much. It made no sense. She hadn't done anything wrong.

Her father did everything he could to help Lauren, but it started getting so out of hand. But when Lauren grew up, she realised that her mother blamed the death on herself, and it brewed many arguments and hatred throughout the family.

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked.

"I've been taking care of them dad! Making them lunch; taking them to school on the bus; picking them up from school; cooking and cleaning after them; helping them with their schoolwork; helping them have a shower and get changed; putting them to bed! I love them dad, I really do, but it's not fair! I barely get any time to myself whenever you're not around, and it's hard. Especially when I'm late to school all the time because I have to take Zeus and Athena to school. I'm behind on school dad, and being on tour with Shawn is my only escape from reality," Lauren ranted, tears pricking at her eyes.

It hurt. Being the black sheep of the family because of an incident that happened - which wasn't her fault - just made everything worse. Lauren tried so hard to have a good relationship with her mum, but it never worked. Her mother would always backfire on her, and everything would go to shit.

Nobody understood, not even her father. He was barely there to know what happened, and the fact that her mother was always speaking of her like she was venom on her tongue, made problems worse. She tried so hard to have Daniel turn his back on Lauren, but it'd never work.

He loved his daughter, more than anything, and there was no way he'd turn his back on her ever. Diana's manipulation skills weren't working on Daniel, but she insisted on continuing to manipulate him incase one day Daniel did backfire on his daughter. But that was less than likely going to happen ever.

"Lauren-" Daniel started, but was cut off.

"No dad, I don't want to hear it. I'm tired, and I can't deal with it anymore. I'll talk to you whenever I'm not busy, okay? Tell the twins I love them, and I'll talk to them soon, okay?"

"Of course sweetie. I love you."

"I love you too dad," Lauren mumbled, before hanging up the phone.

Lauren's sigh echoed the room for a few seconds, before it dulled out. She hadn't even realised she had rolled onto her back throughout the call, but she found herself in that position anyway. Turning over, she placed her phone back onto the charger to keep the percent up for the rest of the day in case she needed it.

It was awfully quiet, and Lauren couldn't decipher why. It wasn't until she turned to her left that she realised why. Shawn had fallen asleep on the bed bedside her. He was facing her as he had both arms under the pillow whilst he was lying on his stomach.

She let a smile over take her face, before finding herself staring at the sleeping brunette beside her. He looked so peaceful, and she wondered if she looked like that when she was asleep. Within a few minutes, the brunette found herself falling asleep, the busy city echoing around them.

[EDITED AS OF: 12.1.18]

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