Chapter 18

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She cried heartily, ignoring the gossip mongers. She doesn't care at all. Let them gossip till their tongues turn ashen. Pretty is certain of one fact.

Saif likes Amal.

Why is she crying?

Her tears were meant for the irony of life.

Who would have thought. That a guy like Saif, who was blessed with two amazingly beautiful women will consider marrying a little teenager like Amal. The teenager without the looks, figure or attitude. As far as pretty was concerned, the girl was plain cold.

She has never seen her smile.

When something Amuses her greatly, the corner of her lips turn up as if in preparation for a smile. And then it will freeze, right before disappearing. This teenager whose father is cursed, an absent mother and a bad childhood. This teenager with no class or sophistication. An illiterate without a bit of refinement.

Pretty has to cry for the injustice in life.

She hated that she wasn't the only one married to Saif and that another woman has the right to call him hers as much as she does. But when she thinks of Amal... Her heart feels wrings and twists and squeezes in the most painful ways. Pretty no longer thought of Amal without having a headache.

She could remember when he had told them about the marriage. He did it in the most dignified manner, as if it was nothing.

Pretty lives in Minna, near her family. Maree lives in Abuja, near hers. Saif is very organized. Perhaps having a personal secretary, special advisor and a personal assistant helps. Saif had told her that he would be spending at least seven days a month with her. If he isn't able to make it, he will send her a ticket and she will meet him. It's not very ideal. But there are no kids in the family and the three of them happen to not mind traveling. Especially Saif. He likes to travel.

The month was ending. She and Saif had travelled to Saudi and Pretty had had another umra. They landed at Abuja. So Pretty had to spend three more days with Maree. Maree hadn't gone with them. As usual, Saif had asked her to stay in Abuja indefinitely. He thought perhaps traveling will take a lot out of her and it isn't stable. Pretty didn't mind. She liked the image it drew of her. People keep saying her husband is so loaded that they travel overseas whenever they feel like it. And she knows Saif, if it isn't this way, he would always budget his time and money so he knows what he will spend for you in a year. Pretty might end up traveling abroad once a year and how cool would she be if it came to that!

Anyways Maree was warm and welcoming. She was the same old Maree, trying to act like a saint while making you feel like squeezing her neck. Pretty suspects that the sort of relationship between her and Saif is totally different from the one with him and Maree. Maree is the exotic kind of beauty. Saif gets entranced once in a while and he gets caught up in her charm. Maree uses this to her full advantage. Saif is fond of Maree. Pretty knows it isn't love because Saif would divorce Maree if anything major happens that could warrant that. Saif is deep. He likes to go deep. It's his one flaw. So if he should fall in love, Pretty is certain it will be to death will we part. Unfortunately, it wasn't with her or Maree. Who is she kidding! If it wasn't with her, she is glad it isn't with Maree!

Could it be with Amal?!

Pretty felt a headache forming.

She was remembering how he told them he was marrying again quite clearly. He had just returned from work. Maree collected his brief case and pretty was watching a film on tv. She too welcomed him in a passive manner. Saif had asked her if anything was wrong. Pretty told him she just wanted to go home. He sat down next to her and she saw how Maree's eyes narrowed with displeasure. Pretty intently felt better. Saif had given her this look. "I have something I need to discuss with the both of you" he explained. The two gave him their attention. He had sighed, a small mischievous smile on his face.

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