Twenty nine

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I realized i based their vacation in less than a month, forgetting to factor in hajj..sorry.

I also forgot the name of Anisa's husband and I simple changed it to Ganiyu.

Chapter twenty nine

The ugly mistress


I stared at the pictures my sister had sent to our newly formed group chat and I felt tears glistening my lids.

My older sister, who used to be so naive and broken, looks like the brightest star in a starry night. She looks so happy in the pics. Even though my older sister isn't as cold as people view her, she was always extra nice to her own family. Yet, looking at her shining eyes as she laughed at something Uncle Saif must've said or done, I know she's never looked so dazzling before.

It means, she was never truly happy until now.

I am glad for you sis. You deserve the best.

The very first time we left Nigeria was when uncle Saif decided to take us to visit mommy sis over at the island. It is the only trip we ever had on a plane and so, it is also the most exciting. We were treated like daughters of some high class Alhaji or some powerful figure. It only lasted for two days but it was enough for us to see a world beyond what we knew. It is clear that Saif wasn't just any guy with cash. The rumors are true. Saif has become a figure we could only look up to. And that is because our mommy sis is married to him. Otherwise, we might have already been one of the many who only 'knew him' once before.

Mommy sis had a one month vacation but she also went for Hajj and it lasted for another month. It looks like a fairy tale and we were all so shocked to see pictures of so many places with our very own Mommy sis at the center of them. But even more is our astonishment when we see just how different uncle Saif seemed in those pictures. He looks like an ordinary tourist who was just in love with his wife. I mean, we always knew he liked our sister. But..

This look in his eyes makes me feel giddy with delight.

I can see that Zahra was demanding why mommy sis only went to Dubai and not anywhere else. She wanted to brag to her friends about her mommy sis going on different countries for a vacation and it didn't turn out. She was very annoyed and she kept pestering mommy sis to defend herself immediately.

'We had family in Dubai'

Was her calm reply.

Zahra sent a screaming emoticon as she berated mommy sis on wasting such a good opportunity. That next time, she must vacation properly fit for any African noble. That we Africans do things in style or it will not be worth it! What is the use of going on such a grand scale vacation and wasting all the effort in one country! One cannot even brag properly about it! It's all in Dubai!

Imagine this girl fah! For someone who didn't have the means to travel to Lagos, I'm impressed she has so many ideas already! Or maybe it's because she's never been to Dubai and that's why she's being so confident in her analysis. Whatever.

Salma has changed most among us though. It's not like Adbu tamed her or anything. It's just life.

My tears grew unbearable as my thoughts drifted to Salma. As the tears flew freely, I thought of what had happened to my little sis and I am filled with anguish and hate for Abba and even Salma's mom.

Salma of course, tried to run away after she realized that trap Abba had set for us. The thought of living such a dreary life with the gateman was too unbearable! She would've succeeded if she realized that Abba had bugged us and he could discern where we are at any given moment. Abba caught her and brought her back to her husband's house. He also told her .that she should just give up running away. That she would have nowhere to go. That he wasn't her real father and that her mother had slept around to give birth to her. He also ascertained that with her wild behavior, he was doing her a favor by getting her married so early. That way, she would not try to be the slut that her mother was.

Whimsical beauty ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt