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Chapter eight

Several months later

***Meeting again***


That Saturday, it was raining heavily. Thunderclouds raved and screamed, lightening flashed with successive brilliance. It was dark. So dark in fact, that as I walked, I could not even see where I was putting my feet. I relied on the little moments of light created by the ever fervent lightening strikes. I suppose I should be afraid. Truth is, I don't have the strength. Neither am I in such mood.

I found a secluded area and perched myself there, trying to ride out the rain. I guess I was cold. I just didn't feel it. My mind zeroed on the fact that my own mom sent me out in this weather just because I made my younger sister late to school that one day...

I don't get it most times. I don't get it now either.

I prayed once more that I regain my memory soon. I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. There's got to be an explanation why.

I just want to know why she hates me so much.

My heart feels cold each time I consider my circumstance. Sometimes, I wish to believe she didn't give birth to me.

I tried to envision the pictures in my mind that I use to calm myself. I saw his face. That impossible face! I don't think it's real. It's an imaginary person my mind must've conjured to create a sense of safety for me. But he is there, in my mind, like he was real.

I focused on his charming smile and I feel myself calming down a little. Perhaps I'm crazy. But at least it keeps the illusion that I am sane.

I don't know for how long I was there. But I know it's a long time. Finally, I awoke in the middle of a muddy ground. My clothes were almost dry and I feel a new sort of cold..

I tried to get up but couldn't. I was so weak. I dragged myself out of the little space that I hid last night. To my surprise, I found myself near the village square. Did I walk that long? My father's house is like several miles from here!

This is a deserted place so I'm quite sure if I don't get up soon, I'll find myself stranded here till maybe when death decides to show up! I shuddered just thinking about it.

It was pure luck that someone decided to follow that road to the village square that day. Obviously, whoever followed is new here. Otherwise, they will know that this is not a very good road to pass through.

I wanted to shout out and maybe they will help me but my throat felt too sore to utter the words. The weakness engulfed me and I wrapped my hands around me to ward off some of the cold i'm feeling.

Suddenly, the car stopped a few inches away from me and someone got out. My eyes saw his shoes. They were black. Very shiny. Perhaps they are new? I can see the sleek nature of these shoes and instantly, I knew they must be very expensive. That got me apprehensive because all the rich people in this village/town are not widely known for their generous attitudes.

Will he help me? Will he use me?

Panic settled in my mind and I turned to the only weapon of the powerless. Du'ah.

He bent down and tilted his face to catch my eyes. I looked up as well and when our eyes met, I sucked in a quick breath. Was it shock or astonishment? Nah! I must be hallucinating! He was in my head but now, he manifested into some kind of reality. Could he be real? Where did I know him from?

But I can't remember the guy in my mind being so handsome, or drop dead gorgeous for that matter. This one, this one is capable of making any warm blooded woman swoon.

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